Martina Vukasovic
Martina Vukasovic
Department of Government, University of Bergen
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Higher education governance and policy: an introduction to multi-issue, multi-level and multi-actor dynamics
MH Chou, J Jungblut, P Ravinet, M Vukasovic
Policy and Society 36 (1), 1-15, 2017
Student perspectives on quality in higher education
J Jungblut, M Vukasovic, B Stensaker
European Journal of Higher Education 5 (2), 157-180, 2015
Change of higher education in response to European pressures: conceptualization and operationalization of Europeanization of higher education
M Vukasovic
Higher Education 66 (3), 311-324, 2013
Higher education policy dynamics in turbulent times–access to higher education for refugees in Europe
J Jungblut, M Vukasovic, I Steinhardt
Studies in Higher Education 45 (2), 327-338, 2020
Policy analysis of structural reforms in higher education: Processes and outcomes
H De Boer, J File, J Huisman, M Seeber, M Vukasovic, DF Westerheijden
Springer, 2016
European integration and the transformation of higher education
M Elken, Å Gornitzka, P Maassen, M Vukasovic
Oslo: University of Oslo, 2011
University alliances in the Europe of knowledge: Positions, agendas and practices in policy processes
M Vukasovic, B Stensaker
European Educational Research Journal 17 (3), 349-364, 2018
Not all markets are created equal: re-conceptualizing market elements in higher education
J Jungblut, M Vukasovic
Higher Education 75 (5), 855-870, 2018
And now for something completely different? Re-examining hybrid steering approaches in higher education
J Jungblut, M Vukasovic
Higher Education Policy 26 (4), 447-461, 2013
Multi-level, multi-actor and multi-issue dimensions of governance of the European Higher Education Area, and beyond
M Vukasovic, J Jungblut, MH Chou, M Elken, P Ravinet
European higher education area: The impact of past and future policies, 321-334, 2018
Effects of higher education reforms: change dynamics
M Vukasovic, P Maassen, M Nerland, R Pinheiro, B Stensaker, A Vabø
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2012
Tackling the multi-actor and multi-level complexity of European governance of knowledge: Transnational actors in focus
T Fumasoli, B Stensaker, M Vukasovic
European Educational Research Journal 17 (3), 325-334, 2018
Institutionalisation of internal quality assurance: focusing on institutional work and the significance of disciplinary differences
M Vukasovic
Quality in Higher Education 20 (1), 44-63, 2014
Razvoj kurikuluma u visokom obrazovanju
M Vukasović, S Turajlić
Alternativna akademska obrazovna mreža, 2006
Dynamics of voluntary policy coordination: the case of Bologna Process
M Elken, M Vukasovic
The Europe of Knowledge: comparing dynamics of integration in higher …, 2014
When and how does Europe matter? Higher education policy change in Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia
M Vukasovic
Higher Education Policy 27 (3), 403-423, 2014
Structural reform in European higher education: An introduction
H de Boer, J File, J Huisman, M Seeber, M Vukasovic, DF Westerheijden
Policy analysis of structural reforms in higher education, 1-28, 2017
Stakeholder organizations in the European higher education area: Exploring transnational policy dynamic
M Vukasovic
Policy and Society 36 (1), 109-126, 2017
The looseness of loose coupling: The use and misuse of “loose coupling” in higher education research
M Elken, M Vukasovic
Theory and method in higher education research 5, 53-71, 2019
Bolonjska reforma visokog školstva u Srbiji: Mapiranje faktora niske efikasnosti studiranja1
I Jarić
Filozofija i društvo 20 (2), 119-151, 2009
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