Mohammad Shafiei Rezvani Nezhad
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Citado por
Vnect: Real-time 3d human pose estimation with a single rgb camera
D Mehta, S Sridhar, O Sotnychenko, H Rhodin, M Shafiei, HP Seidel, ...
Acm transactions on graphics (tog) 36 (4), 1-14, 2017
Inverse rendering for complex indoor scenes: Shape, spatially-varying lighting and svbrdf from a single image
Z Li, M Shafiei, R Ramamoorthi, K Sunkavalli, M Chandraker
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Egocap: egocentric marker-less motion capture with two fisheye cameras
H Rhodin, C Richardt, D Casas, E Insafutdinov, M Shafiei, HP Seidel, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (6), 1-11, 2016
Particle filter based localization of the nao biped robots
E Hashemi, MG Jadid, M Lashgarian, M Yaghobi, RNM Shafiei
Proceedings of the 2012 44th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST …, 2012
Real-time global illumination decomposition of videos
A Meka, M Shafiei, M Zollhöfer, C Richardt, C Theobalt
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 40 (3), 1-16, 2021
Vnect: Real-time 3d human pose estimation with a single rgb camera. vol. 36 (2017)
D Mehta, S Sridhar, O Sotnychenko, H Rhodin, M Shafiei, HP Seidel, ...
Learning neural transmittance for efficient rendering of reflectance fields
M Shafiei, S Bi, Z Li, A Liaudanskas, R Ortiz-Cayon, R Ramamoorthi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.13272, 2021
Live illumination decomposition of videos
A Meka, M Shafiei, M Zollhoefer, C Richardt, C Theobalt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.01961 12, 2019
MRL-SPL Team Description 2012 Standard Platform League
E Hashemi, MG Jadidi, M Yaghobi, M Shafiei, M Lashgarian, ...
Mechatronics Research Lab., Dept. of Computer and Electrical Engineering …, 2012
Ground-truth localisation system for humanoid soccer robots using RGB-D camera
MSR Nezhad, OA Ghiasvand
International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 7 (3), 285-301, 2017
MRL Team Description 2011 Standard Platform League
E Hashemi, OA Ghiasvand, MG Jadidi, M Lashgarian, H Rassam, ...
RoboCup, 2010
MRL-SPL Team Description 2013 Standard Platform League
M Lashgarian, RN Mohammad Shafiei, MAZ Harandi, AM Mehr, K Zarei, ...
Team Report and Code Release 2012
E Hashemi, MG Jadidi, M Yaghobi, M Lashgarian, M Shafiei, ...
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Artigos 1–13