Samira El Gibari
Samira El Gibari
Profesora Economía Aplicada (Matemáticas). Universidad de Málaha
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Building composite indicators using multicriteria methods: a review
S El Gibari, T Gómez, F Ruiz
Journal of Business Economics 89 (1), 1-24, 2019
Evaluating university performance using reference point based composite indicators
S El Gibari, T Gómez, F Ruiz
Journal of Informetrics 12 (4), 1235-1250, 2018
MRP-WSCI: Multiple reference point based weak and strong composite indicators
F Ruiz, S El Gibari, JM Cabello, T Gómez
Omega 95, 102060, 2020
Composite indicators as decision making tools: The joint use of compensatory and noncompensatory schemes
SE Gibari, JM Cabello, T Gómez, F Ruiz
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 20 (03 …, 2021
Combining reference point based composite indicators with data envelopment analysis: application to the assessment of universities
S El Gibari, T Gómez, F Ruiz
Scientometrics 127 (8), 4363-4395, 2022
Analyzing the impact of spanish university funding policies on the evolution of their performance: a multi-criteria approach
SE Gibari, C Perez-Esparrells, T Gomez, F Ruiz
Mathematics 9 (14), 1-34, 2021
Analyzing the impact of Spanish university funding policies on the evolution of their performance: a multi-criteria approach
S El Gibari, C Perez-Esparrells, T Gomez, F Ruiz
Mathematics 9 (14), 1626, 2021
The evolution of eco-innovation and its impact on the political, social, and environmental spheres in the period 1996-2022: state of the art and bibliometric study
MI Peregrina, F Ruiz, SE Gibari
Dyna 90 (SPE228), 140-151, 2023
Análisis multicriterio del rendimiento del sistema universitario público español: hay vida más allá de los rankings
S El Gibari
Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA 21 (2 …, 2020
Multi-criteria techniques based proposals for the End of Childhood Index: reference levels and compensation issues.
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, T Gómez-Núñez, JM Cabello-González, ...
Elsevier, 2024
Multi-criteria techniques based proposals for the End of Childhood Index: reference levels and compensation issues
S El Gibari, T Gómez, JM Cabello, F Ruiz
Children and Youth Services Review, 107731, 2024
Indicador de eco-innovación basado en puntos de referencia múltiple: Caso de estudio Clúster Saint Gobain
MIP Mila, EO Pérez, S El Gibari, FR de la Rúa
Ciencia Nicolaita, 2023
Una evaluación conjunta del rendimiento y eficiencia de las universidades públicas españolas.
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, T Gómez-Núñez, F Ruiz-de-la-Rúa
Analysing efficiency and performance universities by combining composite indicators and data envelopment analysis.
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, T Gómez-Núñez, F Ruiz-de-la-Rúa
Combining reference point based composite indicators with data envelopment analysis: application to the assessment of universities
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, T Gómez-Núñez, F Ruiz-de-la-Rua
Springer, 2022
Una medición basada en la metodología de puntos de referencia con un enfoque alineado a la estrategia de sostenibilidad de los estados de la unión europea y del grupo Saint …
MIP Mila, EO Pérez, S El Gibari, FR de la Rúa
Coloquio Interdisciplinario de Posgrado UPAEP, 2022
Analyzing the Impact of Spanish University Funding Policies on the Evolution of Their Performance: A Multi-Criteria Approach.
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, C Pérez Esparrells, T Gómez-Núñez, ...
MDPI, 2021
Composite Indicators as Decision Making Tools: The Joint Use of Compensatory and Noncompensatory Schemes.
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said, JM Cabello-González, T Gómez-Núñez, ...
World Scientific Publishing, 2021
Building composite indicators from a multicriteria approach: An empirical application for the performance appraisal and efficiency of the Spanish
S El-Gibari-Ben-Said
UMA Editorial, 2021
Building composite indicators from a multicriteria approach:: An empirical application for the performance appraisal and efficiency of the Spanish
Universidad de Málaga, 2020
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