Percy Salas
Percy Salas
PhD student in Computer Science, PUC-Rio
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Publishing Statistical Data on the Web
PER Salas, M Martin, FM Da Mota, S Auer, K Breitman, MA Casanova
6th International IEEE Conference on Semantic Computing, 2012
Open government data in Brazil
K Breitman, P Salas, MA Casanova, D Saraiva, V Gama, J Viterbo Filho, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 27 (3), 45-49, 2012
Methods and apparatus for analytical processing of provenance data for HPC workflow optimization
AEM Ciarlini, JF Dias, PER Salas
US Patent 10,013,656, 2018
The role of constraints in linked data
MA Casanova, KK Beitman, AL Furtado, VMP Vidal, JAF Macedo, ...
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011: Confederated …, 2011
Interoperability by design using the StdTrip tool: an a priori approach
PE Salas, KK Breitman, J Viterbo F, MA Casanova
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 1-3, 2010
Olap2datacube: An ontowiki plug-in for statistical data publishing
PER Salast, M Martin, FM Da Mota, S Auer, KK Breitman, MA Casanova
2012 Second International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI), 79-83, 2012
RDB2RDF plugin: relational databases to RDF plugin for eclipse
PE Salas, E Marx, A Mera, J Viterbo
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-ins, 28-31, 2011
A mediator for statistical linked data
L Ruback, M Pesce, S Manso, S Ortiga, PER Salas, MA Casanova
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 339-341, 2013
Stdtrip: Promoting the reuse of standard vocabularies in open government data
P Salas, J Viterbo, K Breitman, MA Casanova
Linking government data, 113-133, 2011
RDB2RDF: A relational to RDF plug‐in for Eclipse
E Marx, P Salas, K Breitman, J Viterbo, MA Casanova
Software: Practice and Experience 43 (4), 435-447, 2013
Revealing crosscutting concerns in textual requirements documents: an exploratory study with industry systems
J Herrera, I Macia, P Salas, R Pinho, R Vargas, A Garcia, J Araújo, ...
2012 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 111-120, 2012
Pattern-aware transformation of time series data to multi-dimensional data for deep learning analysis
DS Bruno, PER Salas
US Patent 10,783,399, 2020
Methods and apparatus for automatic identification of faults on noisy seismic data
NM Lemus, PER Salas, AEM Ciarlini, FAM Porto, FA Perosi
US Patent 10,139,508, 2018
StdTrip: An a priori design approach and process for publishing Open Government Data
PE Salas, KK Breitman, MA Casanova, J Viterbo
XXV Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 41-48, 2010
Traffic condition forecasting using matrix compression and deep neural networks
TS Calmon, PER Salas, DS Bruno
US Patent 10,853,720, 2020
Real-time ad hoc querying of data records
RDA Senra, PER Salas, DS Bruno, RT de Abreu Pinho, C Souza
US Patent 10,467,193, 2019
Integration of heterogenous data using omni-channel ontologies
K Breitman, PER Salas, RDA Senra
US Patent 10,296,913, 2019
Relevance decay for time-based evaluation of machine learning applications
DS Bruno, V Bursztyn, PER Salas, TS Calmon
US Patent 10,885,464, 2021
OLAP2Datacube: An On-Demand transformation Framework from OLAP to RDF Data Cubes
PER Salas
Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Informática of the Departamento de Informática …, 2015
Understanding IT Organizations using Viewpoints
K Breitman, S Junqueira Barbosa, P Salas, R Berardi, J Viterbo, T Freitas, ...
Proceedings of the 2011 18th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on …, 2011
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Articles 1–20