Quang Tran Minh
Cited by
Cited by
sfuzz: An efficient adaptive fuzzer for solidity smart contracts
TD Nguyen, LH Pham, J Sun, Y Lin, QT Minh
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software …, 2020
Task placement on fog computing made efficient for IoT application provision
MQ Tran, DT Nguyen, VA Le, DH Nguyen, TV Pham
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2019 (1), 6215454, 2019
On-the-fly establishment of multihop wireless access networks for disaster recovery
QT Minh, K Nguyen, C Borcea, S Yamada
IEEE Communications Magazine 52 (10), 60-66, 2014
Toward service placement on fog computing landscape
QT Minh, DT Nguyen, A Van Le, HD Nguyen, A Truong
2017 4th NAFOSTED conference on information and computer science, 291-296, 2017
A software-defined networking approach for disaster-resilient WANs
K Nguyen, QT Minh, S Yamada
2013 22nd International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks …, 2013
MyWebGuard: toward a user-oriented tool for security and privacy protection on the web
PN Hiremath, J Armentrout, S Vu, TN Nguyen, QT Minh, PH Phung
Future Data and Security Engineering: 6th International Conference, FDSE …, 2019
ExMiner: An efficient algorithm for mining top-k frequent patterns
TM Quang, S Oyanagi, K Yamazaki
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 436-447, 2006
On-site configuration of disaster recovery access networks made easy
QT Minh, Y Shibata, C Borcea, S Yamada
Ad Hoc Networks 40, 46-60, 2016
An airfare prediction model for developing markets
VH Vu, QT Minh, PH Phung
2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), 765-770, 2018
An ANN-based gesture recognition algorithm for smart-home applications
PN Huu, QT Minh
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 14 (5), 1967-1983, 2020
CFC-ITS: Context-aware fog computing for intelligent transportation systems
QT Minh, E Kamioka, S Yamada
IT Professional 20 (6), 35-45, 2019
A cost-effective smart farming system with knowledge base
QT Minh, TN Phan, A Takahashi, TT Thanh, SN Duy, MN Thanh, CN Hong
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Information and …, 2017
Iot services for solving critical problems in vietnam: A research landscape and directions
TD Cao, HH Hoang, HX Huynh, BM Nguyen, TV Pham, Q Tran-Minh, ...
IEEE Internet Computing 20 (5), 76-81, 2016
Proposing a Recognition System of Gestures Using MobilenetV2 Combining Single Shot Detector Network for Smart‐Home Applications
PN Huu, HN Thi Thu, QT Minh
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2021 (1), 6610461, 2021
Toward an IoT-based expert system for heart disease diagnosis
DT Thai, QT Minh, PH Phung
CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2017
Pinpoint: An efficient approach to traffic state estimation system using mobile probes
QT Minh, E Kamioka
2010 6th International Conference on Wireless Communications Networking and …, 2010
Fogfly: A traffic light optimization solution based on fog computing
QT Minh, CM Tran, TA Le, BT Nguyen, TM Tran, RK Balan
Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 …, 2018
DRANs: Resilient disaster recovery access networks
QT Minh, K Nguyen, S Yamada
2013 IEEE 37th annual computer software and applications conference …, 2013
Mining the k-most interesting frequent patterns sequentially
QT Minh, S Oyanagi, K Yamazaki
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2006: 7th …, 2006
Designed features for improving openness, scalability and programmability in the fog computing-based IoT systems
QM Tran, PH Nguyen, T Tsuchiya, M Toulouse
SN Computer Science 1 (4), 194, 2020
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Articles 1–20