Arnab Sinha
Arnab Sinha
Amazon, Microsoft Research, Princeton University, IIT Kharagpur
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An overview of Microsoft academic service (MAS) and applications
A Sinha, Z Shen, Y Song, H Ma, D Eide, BJP Hsu, K Wang
World Wide Web, 2015
Predictive analysis for detecting serializability violations through trace segmentation
A Sinha, S Malik, C Wang, A Gupta
Ninth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for …, 2011
Enhancement of the properties of silicate activated ultrafine-slag based geopolymer mortar using retarder
AK Sinha, S Talukdar
Construction and Building Materials 313, 125380, 2021
Runtime checking of serializability in software transactional memory
A Sinha, S Malik
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel & Distributed Processing …, 2010
Integrated verification approach during ADL-driven processor design
A Chattopadhyay, A Sinha, D Zhang, R Leupers, G Ascheid, H Meyr
Microelectronics journal 40 (7), 1111-1123, 2009
Accelerating assertion coverage with adaptive testbenches
B Pal, A Banerjee, A Sinha, P Dasgupta
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2008
Predicting serializability violations: SMT-based search vs. DPOR-based search
A Sinha, S Malik, C Wang, A Gupta
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing: 7th International Haifa …, 2012
Mechanical and bond behaviour of high volume Ultrafine-slag blended fly ash based alkali activated concrete
AK Sinha, S Talukdar
Construction and Building Materials 383, 131368, 2023
Design intent coverage revisited
A Sinha, P Dasgupta, B Pal, S Das, P Basu, PP Chakrabarti
ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES) 14 (1 …, 2009
Food Security and Nutritional Status of Children in Maharashtra
S Unisa, A Chattopadhyay, P Fulpagare, A Sinha
Efficient predictive analysis for detecting nondeterminism in multi-threaded programs
A Sinha, S Malik, A Gupta
2012 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 6-15, 2012
Stensor: A novel stochastic algorithm for placement of sensors in a rectangular grid
A Sinha, B Pal
paperpresentation competition “Eureka” in Kshitij, IIT Kharagpur, Available …, 2007
Reducing churn in knowledge graphs
C Huang, A Sinha
US Patent 10,540,345, 2020
Droplet-on-Demand Platform for Biochemical Screening & Drug Discovery
LD Van Vliet, F Gielen, A Sinha, BT Koprowski, JB Edel, X Niu, ...
18th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life …, 2014
Using concurrency to check concurrency: Checking serializability in software transactional memory
A Sinha, S Malik
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2010
ADL-driven test pattern generation for functional verification of embedded processors
A Chattopadhyay, A Sinha, D Zhang, R Leupers, G Ascheid, H Meyr
12th IEEE European Test Symposium, 21-24, 2007
Entity disambiguation using multisource learning
K Wang, A Sinha, Y Song
US Patent App. 14/713,152, 2016
Hardware accelerated constrained random test generation
B Pal, A Sinha, P Dasgupta, PP Chakrabarti, K De
IET Computers & Digital Techniques 1 (4), 423-433, 2007
Repairing of web opened RC beam with ferrocement laminates using alkali activated mortar
AK Sinha, S Talukdar
Journal of Building Pathology and Rehabilitation 8 (1), 57, 2023
Connectivity preserving transformations for higher dimensional binary images
A Komuravelli, A Sinha, A Bishnu
Discrete applied mathematics 157 (16), 3372-3385, 2009
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