B. Jean Mandernach
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Cited by
Assessment of student engagement in higher education: A synthesis of literature and assessment tools
BJ Mandernach
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research 12 (2 …, 2015
Professional development: Designing initiatives to meet the needs of online faculty.
M Elliott, N Rhoades, CM Jackson, BJ Mandernach
Journal of Educators online 12 (1), n1, 2015
An examination of online instructor presence via threaded discussion participation
BJ Mandernach, RM Gonzales, AL Garrett
Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 2 (4), 248-260, 2006
Adjunct versus full-time faculty: Comparison of student outcomes in the online classroom
B Mueller, BJ Mandernach, K Sanderson
Journal of online learning and teaching 9 (3), 341, 2013
Effect of instructor-personalized multimedia in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 10 (3), 2009
Thinking critically about critical thinking: Integrating online tools to promote critical thinking.
BJ Mandernach
Insight: A collection of faculty scholarship 1, 41-50, 2006
Expectations, motivations, and barriers to professional development: Perspectives from adjunct instructors teaching online
A Dailey-Hebert, BJ Mandernach, E Donnelli-Sallee, VR Norris
The Journal of Faculty Development 28 (1), 67-82, 2014
A faculty evaluation model for online instructors: Mentoring and evaluation in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach, E Donnelli, A Dailey, M Schulte
Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration 8 (3), 1-10, 2005
The role of instructor interactivity in promoting critical thinking in online and face-to-face classrooms
BJ Mandernach, KD Forrest, JL Babutzke, LR Manker
MERLOT Journal of online Learning and Teaching 5 (1), 49-62, 2009
Assessing course student engagement
BJ Mandernach, E Donnelli-Sallee, A Dailey-Hebert
Promoting student engagement 1, 277-281, 2011
Evaluating online teaching: Implementing best practices
TJ Tobin, BJ Mandernach, AH Taylor
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Learner attribute research juxtaposed with online instructor experience: Predictors of success in the accelerated, online classroom
BJ Mandernach, E Donnelli, A Dailey-Hebert
The Journal of Educators Online 3 (2), 1-17, 2006
Successful reemployment through resiliency development
MM Fleig-Palmer, KW Luthans, BJ Mandernach
Journal of Career Development 35 (3), 228-247, 2009
Efficient instructional strategies for maximizing online student satisfaction.
T Rios, M Elliott, BJ Mandernach
Journal of Educators Online 15 (3), n3, 2018
Frequency and time investment of instructors’ participation in threaded discussions in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach, A Dailey-Hebert, E Donnelli-Sallee
Journal of Interactive Online Learning 6 (1), 1-9, 2007
Where has the time gone? Faculty activities and time commitments in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach, S Hudson, S Wise
Journal of Educators Online 10 (2), 1-15, 2013
Faculty views on the appropriateness of teaching undergraduate psychology courses online
BJ Mandernach, T Mason, KD Forrest, J Hackathorn
Teaching of Psychology 39 (3), 203-208, 2012
Beyond content: The value of instructor-student connections in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach, SN Robertson, JP Steele
Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 18 (4), 2018
Three ways to improve student engagement in the online classroom
BJ Mandernach
Online Classroom 3 (3), 1-2, 2009
Relative effectiveness of computer-based and human feedback for enhancing student learning
BJ Mandernach
The Journal of Educators Online 2 (1), 1-17, 2005
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Articles 1–20