Jake Rowan Byrne
Cited by
Cited by
An IoT and wearable technology hackathon for promoting careers in computer science
JR Byrne, K O’Sullivan, K Sullivan
IEEE Transactions on Education 60 (1), 50-58, 2016
CodePlus—Designing an after school computing programme for girls
K Sullivan, JR Byrne, N Bresnihan, K O'Sullivan, B Tangney
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-5, 2015
System and Method for Measuring Parameters Relating to Agriculture
S Lock, D Guerin, J Byrne, JC Manock
US Patent App. 14/345,805, 2014
Computer science teacher reactions towards raspberry Pi Continuing Professional Development (CPD) workshops using the Bridge21 model
JR Byrne, L Fisher, B Tangney
2015 10th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE …, 2015
Active Learning of Computer Science Using a Hackathon-like Pedagogical Model
JR Byrne, K Sullivan, K O’Sullivan
Constructionism 2018, 138-149, 2018
The trajectory of computer science education policy in Ireland: A document analysis narrative
C Connolly, JR Byrne, E Oldham
European Journal of Education 57 (3), 512-529, 2022
Empowering teachers to teach CS—Exploring a social constructivist approach for CS CPD, using the Bridge21 model
JR Byrne, L Fisher, B Tangney
2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2015
the 150th anniversary of the discovery of DNA
J Byrne, DRF Miescher
Biomics 11 (3), 249-258, 2019
Technology-mediated collaborative learning: The Bridge21 activity model in theory and practice
JR Byrne, S Kearney, K Sullivan
Didactics of smart pedagogy: Smart pedagogy for technology enhanced learning …, 2019
Best practices for sustainable inter-institutional hybrid learning at CHARM European University
D Griffin, S Gallagher, V Vigano, D Mousa, S Van Vugt, A Lodder, ...
Education Sciences 12 (11), 797, 2022
How research institutions can foster innovation
R Dahm, JR Byrne, D Rogers, MA Wride
University of Limerick, 2021
Teacher Experiences of Learning Computing using a 21st Century Model of Computer Science Continuing Professional Development.
L Fisher, JR Byrne, B Tangney
CSEDU (2), 273-280, 2016
Constructionism moving forward
JR Byrne, C Girvan, J Clayson
British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (3), 965-968, 2021
A 21st Century Teaching and Learning Approach to Computer Science Education: Teacher Reactions
JR Byrne, L Fisher, B Tangney
Computer Supported Education, 523-540, 2016
CAWriter: A CSCW/CSCL tool to support research students’ academic writing
JR Byrne, B Tangney
Proceedings of HCI 2010, 2010
Exploring Teacher Reactions Towards a 21St Century Teaching and Learning Approach to Continuing Professional Development Programme in Computer Science
L Fisher, JR Byrne, B Tangney
7th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 353-362, 2015
STEM Continuing Professional Development for 21st Century Teaching and Learning: The Bridge21 Approach
A Bray, JR Byrne, B Tangney
Science and mathematics education for 21st century citizens: challenges and …, 2020
El aprendizaje ubicuo en la formación universitaria del profesorado de Primaria
AM Pérez-Cabello, JR Byrne, B Tangney
Innovación e investigación sobre el aprendizaje ubicuo y móvil en la …, 2019
CAWriter: Using an Activity System Perspective to Inform the Design of Tools to Support Early Career Ph. D. Candidates
JR Byrne
Trinity College Dublin, 2014
CAWriter: A Computer Supported Collaborative Tool to Support Doctoral Candidates Academic Writing–A Pedagogical and Human-Computer Interaction Perspective
JR Byrne, B Tangney
Collaborative and Distributed E-Research: Innovations in Technologies …, 2012
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Articles 1–20