James Lo
James Lo
Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Southern California
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How quickly we forget: The duration of persuasion effects from mass communication
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
Political Communication 30 (4), 521-547, 2013
Scaling roll call votes with W-NOMINATE in R
KT Poole, JB Lewis, J Lo, R Carroll
Available at SSRN 1276082, 2008
Measuring bias and uncertainty in DW-NOMINATE ideal point estimates via the parametric bootstrap
R Carroll, JB Lewis, J Lo, KT Poole, H Rosenthal
Political analysis 17 (3), 261-275, 2009
Fast estimation of ideal points with massive data
K Imai, J Lo, J Olmsted
American Political Science Review 110 (4), 631-656, 2016
Comparing NOMINATE and IDEAL: Points of difference and Monte Carlo tests
R Carroll, JB Lewis, J Lo, KT Poole, H Rosenthal
Legislative Studies Quarterly 34 (4), 555-591, 2009
Ideological clarity in multiparty competition: A new measure and test using election manifestos
J Lo, SO Proksch, JB Slapin
British Journal of Political Science 46 (3), 591-610, 2016
A common left-right scale for voters and parties in Europe
J Lo, SO Proksch, T Gschwend
Political Analysis 22 (2), 205-223, 2014
The structure of utility in spatial models of voting
R Carroll, JB Lewis, J Lo, KT Poole, H Rosenthal
American Journal of Political Science 57 (4), 1008-1028, 2013
One man, one vote, one time? A model of democratization in the Middle East
L Blaydes, J Lo
Journal of Theoretical Politics 24 (1), 110-146, 2012
DW-NOMINATE scores with bootstrapped standard errors
R Carroll, J Lewis, J Lo, N McCarty, K Poole, H Rosenthal
Available at: voteview. com/dwnomin. htm, 2011
The opt-in internet panel: Survey mode, sampling methodology and the implications for political research
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
Unpublished manuscript at the University of California, Los Angeles, California, 2007
Common space DW-NOMINATE scores with bootstrapped standard errors (Joint House and Senate Scaling)
R Carroll, J Lewis, J Lo, N McCarty, K Poole, H Rosenthal
Accessed via http://voteview. ucsd. edu/dwnomin joint house and senate. htm …, 2008
Recovering a basic space from issue scales in R
KT Poole, JB Lewis, H Rosenthal, J Lo, R Carroll
Journal of Statistical Software 69, 1-21, 2016
Reflections on the European integration dimension
SO Proksch, J Lo
European Union Politics 13 (2), 317-333, 2012
The duration of advertising effects in the 2000 presidential campaign
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, 99-118, 2008
Robustness of empirical evidence for the democratic peace: A nonparametric sensitivity analysis
K Imai, J Lo
International Organization 75 (3), 901-919, 2021
Is the NPT unraveling? Evidence from text analysis of review conference statements
M Barnum, J Lo
Journal of Peace Research 57 (6), 740-751, 2020
Legislative responsiveness to gerrymandering: Evidence from the 2003 Texas redistricting
J Lo
Quarterly Journal of Political Science 8 (1), 75-92, 2012
The duration of advertising effects in political campaigns
SJ Hill, J Lo, L Vavreck, J Zaller
annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, 2007
basicspace: A package to recover a basic space from issue scales
K Poole, H Rosenthal, J Lewis, J Lo, R Carroll
R package version 0.07. URL: http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= basicspace, 2013
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