J. P. Araújo
J. P. Araújo
Departamento de Fisica e Astronomia, Universidade do Porto
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Cited by
Superparamagnetic MFe2O4 (M = Fe, Co, Mn) Nanoparticles: Tuning the Particle Size and Magnetic Properties through a Novel One-Step Coprecipitation Route
C Pereira, AM Pereira, C Fernandes, M Rocha, R Mendes, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (8), 1496-1504, 2012
Effect of diamagnetic Ca, Sr, Pb, and Ba substitution on the crystal structure and multiferroic properties of the BiFeO3 perovskite
VA Khomchenko, DA Kiselev, JM Vieira, L Jian, AL Kholkin, AML Lopes, ...
Journal of applied physics 103 (2), 2008
Progress in the Raman spectra analysis of covalently functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes: unraveling disorder in graphitic materials
SLH Rebelo, A Guedes, ME Szefczyk, AM Pereira, JP Araújo, C Freire
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (18), 12784-12796, 2016
Nanoporous alumina as templates for multifunctional applications
CT Sousa, DC Leitao, MP Proenca, J Ventura, AM Pereira, JP Araujo
Applied Physics Reviews 1 (3), 2014
Observation of a Griffiths-like Phase in the Magnetocaloric Compound
C Magen, PA Algarabel, L Morellon, JP Araújo, C Ritter, MR Ibarra, ...
Physical review letters 96 (16), 167201, 2006
Magnetocaloric effect in Er-and Eu-substituted ferromagnetic La-Sr manganites
JS Amaral, MS Reis, VS Amaral, TM Mendonca, JP Araujo, MA Sa, ...
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 290, 686-689, 2005
Doping strategies for increased performance in BiFeO3
VA Khomchenko, DA Kiselev, M Kopcewicz, M Maglione, VV Shvartsman, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321 (11), 1692-1698, 2009
Magnetic anisotropy in CoNi nanowire arrays: analytical calculations and experiments
LG Vivas, M Vazquez, J Escrig, S Allende, D Altbir, DC Leitao, JP Araujo
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (3), 035439, 2012
Designing novel hybrid materials by one-pot co-condensation: from hydrophobic mesoporous silica nanoparticles to superamphiphobic cotton textiles
C Pereira, C Alves, A Monteiro, C Magén, AM Pereira, A Ibarra, MR Ibarra, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 3 (7), 2289-2299, 2011
Size and surface effects on the magnetic properties of NiO nanoparticles
MP Proenca, CT Sousa, AM Pereira, PB Tavares, J Ventura, M Vazquez, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (20), 9561-9567, 2011
Isothermal structural transitions, magnetization and large piezoelectric response in BiLaFeO perovskites
IO Troyanchuk, DV Karpinsky, MV Bushinsky, VA Khomchenko, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (5), 054109, 2011
Spin-phonon coupling and magnetoelectric properties: versus
WS Ferreira, J Agostinho Moreira, A Almeida, MR Chaves, JP Araújo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (5), 054303, 2009
On the stability enhancement of cuprous oxide water splitting photocathodes by low temperature steam annealing
J Azevedo, L Steier, P Dias, M Stefik, CT Sousa, JP Araújo, A Mendes, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 7 (12), 4044-4052, 2014
Superparamagnetic γ-Fe 2 O 3@ SiO 2 nanoparticles: a novel support for the immobilization of [VO (acac) 2]
C Pereira, AM Pereira, P Quaresma, PB Tavares, E Pereira, JP Araújo, ...
Dalton Transactions 39 (11), 2842-2854, 2010
Intrinsic nature of the magnetization enhancement in heterovalently doped Bi1− xAxFeO3 (A= Ca, Sr, Pb, Ba) multiferroics
VA Khomchenko, M Kopcewicz, AML Lopes, YG Pogorelov, JP Araujo, ...
Journal of physics D: applied physics 41 (10), 102003, 2008
New Phase Transition in the System: Evidence for Electrical Polarization <?format ?>in Charge Ordered Manganites
AML Lopes, JP Araújo, VS Amaral, JG Correia, Y Tomioka, Y Tokura
Physical review letters 100 (15), 155702, 2008
Weak ferromagnetism in diamagnetically-doped Bi1− xAxFeO3 (A= Ca, Sr, Pb, Ba) multiferroics
VA Khomchenko, DA Kiselev, EK Selezneva, JM Vieira, AML Lopes, ...
Materials Letters 62 (12-13), 1927-1929, 2008
Star-shaped magnetite@ gold nanoparticles for protein magnetic separation and SERS detection
P Quaresma, I Osório, G Dória, PA Carvalho, A Pereira, J Langer, ...
RSC Advances 4 (8), 3659-3667, 2014
Tin oxide as stable protective layer for composite cuprous oxide water-splitting photocathodes
J Azevedo, SD Tilley, M Schreier, M Stefik, C Sousa, JP Araújo, A Mendes, ...
Nano Energy 24, 10-16, 2016
Rhombohedral-to-orthorhombic transition and multiferroic properties of Dy-substituted BiFeO3
VA Khomchenko, DV Karpinsky, AL Kholkin, NA Sobolev, GN Kakazei, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (7), 2010
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Articles 1–20