Brian E. Gravel
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring shifts in middle school learners’ modeling activity while generating drawings, animations, and computational simulations of molecular diffusion
MH Wilkerson-Jerde, BE Gravel, CA Macrander
Journal of Science Education and Technology 24, 396-415, 2015
STEM literacies in makerspaces: Implications for learning, teaching, and research
E Tucker-Raymond, BE Gravel
Routledge, 2019
The benefit of outreach to engineering students
M Pickering, E Ryan, K Conroy, B Gravel, M Portsmore
2004 Annual Conference, 9.1235. 1-9.1235. 12, 2004
Epistemic gameplay and discovery in computational model-based inquiry activities
MH Wilkerson, R Shareff, V Laina, B Gravel
Instructional Science 46, 35-60, 2018
What’s the technology for? Teacher attention and pedagogical goals in a modeling-focused professional development workshop
MH Wilkerson, C Andrews, Y Shaban, V Laina, BE Gravel
Journal of Science Teacher Education 27, 11-33, 2016
How do we assess equity in programming pairs?
E Deitrick, RB Shapiro, B Gravel
Singapore: International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2016
Fostering heterogeneous engineering through whole-class design work
BE Gravel, V Svihla
Journal of the Learning Sciences 30 (2), 279-329, 2021
The use of artificial shells for exploring shell preference in the marine hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus (Say)
BE Gravel, PY Wong, PT Starks, JA Pechenik
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 477-485, 2004
Innovative session: early childhood robotics for learning
M Bers, C Rogers, L Beals, M Portsmore, K Staszowski, E Cejka, ...
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Learning sciences, 1036-1042, 2006
The role of computational thinking practices in making: How beginning youth makers encounter & appropriate CT practices in making
A Wagh, B Gravel, E Tucker-Raymond
Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Creativity and Fabrication in …, 2017
Navigating worlds of information: STEM literacy practices of experienced makers
B Gravel, E Tucker-Raymond, K Kohberger, K Browne
International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 2017
Show Me What You Know: Exploring Student Representations Across STEM Disciplines
BM Brizuela, BE Gravel
Teachers College Press, 2013
Infusing engineering into public schools
E Rushton, M Cyr, B Gravel, L Prouty
2002 Annual Conference, 7.667. 1-7.667. 7, 2002
Source Code and a Screwdriver: STEM Literacy Practices in Fabricating Activities Among Experienced Adult Makers
E Tucker‐Raymond, BE Gravel, K Kohberger, K Browne
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 60 (6), 617–627, 2017
More than mechanisms: Shifting ideologies for asset-based learning in engineering education
BE Gravel, E Tucker-Raymond, A Wagh, S Klimczak, N Wilson
Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education Research (J-PEER) 11 (1), 15, 2021
Teaching parabolic motion with stop-action animations
W Church, B Gravel, C Rogers
International Journal of Engineering Education 23 (5), 861, 2007
Forms of emergent collaboration in maker-based learning
E Halverson, BK Litts, B Gravel
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
Making it social: Considering the purpose of literacy to support participation in making and engineering
E Tucker‐Raymond, BE Gravel, A Wagh, N Wilson
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 60 (2), 207-211, 2016
Integrating Computational Artifacts into the Multi-representational Toolkit of Physics Education
BE Gravel, MH Wilkerson
Multiple Representations in Physics Education, 47-70, 2017
A card-sorting task to establish community values in designing makerspaces
RJ Meehan, BE Gravel, BA Shapiro
poster presented at FabLearn, 2014
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Articles 1–20