Antonis Sidiropoulos
Antonis Sidiropoulos
Department of Information and Electronic Engineering - International Hellenic University
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Generalized Hirsch h-index for disclosing latent facts in citation networks
A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Scientometrics 72 (2), 253-280, 2007
Generalized comparison of graph-based ranking algorithms for publications and authors
A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Journal of Systems and Software 79 (12), 1679-1700, 2006
Cdnsim: A simulation tool for content distribution networks
K Stamos, G Pallis, A Vakali, D Katsaros, A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 20 (2), 1-40, 2010
A citation-based system to assist prize awarding
A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
ACM SIGMOD Record 34 (4), 54-60, 2005
A new perspective to automatically rank scientific conferences using digital libraries
A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
Information processing & management 41 (2), 289-312, 2005
Prefetching in content distribution networks via web communities identification and outsourcing
A Sidiropoulos, G Pallis, D Katsaros, K Stamos, A Vakali, Y Manolopoulos
World Wide Web 11, 39-70, 2008
A latency-based object placement approach in content distribution networks
G Pallis, A Vakali, K Stamos, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Web Congress, 2005. LA-WEB 2005. Third Latin American, 8 pp., 2005
Gazing at the skyline for star scientists
A Sidiropoulos, A Gogoglou, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Journal of Informetrics 10 (3), 789-813, 2016
CDNs Content Outsourcing via Generalized Communities
D Katsaros, G Pallis, K Stamos, A Vakali, A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering Journal (TKDE) 21 (1 …, 2009
Impact of Gamification on Students’ Learning Outcomes and Academic Performance: A Longitudinal Study Comparing Online, Traditional, and Gamified Learning
G Lampropoulos, A Sidiropoulos
Education Sciences 14 (4), 367, 2024
Replication Based on Objects Load under a Content Distribution Network
G Pallis, K Stamos, A Vakali, D Katsaros, A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
22nd International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops (ICDEW'06), 53-53, 2006
Ranking and identifying influential scientists versus mass producers by the Perfectionism Index
A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Scientometrics 103 (1), 1-31, 2015
Age Decaying H-Index for Social Network of Citations.
D Katsaros, A Sidiropoulos, Y Manolopoulos
SAW, 2007
Rainbow ranking: an adaptable, multidimensional ranking method for publication sets
G Stoupas, A Sidiropoulos, A Gogoglou, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Scientometrics, 2018
When universities rise (Rank) high into the skyline
G Stoupas, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 15 (2), 241-258, 2021
The fractal dimension of a citation curve: quantifying an individual’s scientific output using the geometry of the entire curve
A Gogoglou, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Scientometrics, 1-24, 2017
Ranking universities via clustering
G Stoupas, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Scientometrics …, 2021
A Scientist's Impact over Time: The Predictive Power of Clustering with Peers
A Gogoglou, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2016
Generalized h-index for revealing latent facts in social networks of citations
A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
Proceedings of LINKKDD, 2007
Skyline-based university rankings
G Stoupas, A Sidiropoulos, D Katsaros, Y Manolopoulos
ADBIS, TPDL and EDA 2020 Common Workshops and Doctoral Consortium …, 2020
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