Nicoletta Cavazza
Cited by
Cited by
Effects of safety climate on safety norm violations: exploring the mediating role of attitudinal ambivalence toward personal protective equipment
N Cavazza, A Serpe
Journal of safety research 40 (4), 277-283, 2009
Psicologia sociale
A Palmonari, N Cavazza, M Rubini
Il mulino, 2012
Between ideology and social representations: Four theses plus (a new) one on the relevance and the meaning of the political left and right
P Corbetta, N Cavazza, M Roccato
European Journal of Political Research 48 (5), 622-641, 2009
Ingredients of gender-based stereotypes about food. Indirect influence of food type, portion size and presentation on gendered intentions to eat
N Cavazza, M Guidetti, F Butera
Appetite 91, 266-272, 2015
Finally, the chance to eat healthily: Longitudinal study about food consumption during and after the first COVID-19 lockdown in Italy
D Caso, M Guidetti, M Capasso, N Cavazza
Food Quality and Preference 95, 104275, 2022
Swearing in political discourse: Why vulgarity works
N Cavazza, M Guidetti
Journal of Language and Social Psychology 33 (5), 537-547, 2014
Structure of the relationship between parents’ and children's food preferences and avoidances: An explorative study
M Guidetti, N Cavazza
Appetite 50 (1), 83-90, 2008
Comunicazione e persuasione
N Cavazza
Il mulino, 2009
Psicologia delle differenze di genere
V Burr
Il mulino, 2000
La persuasione
N Cavazza
Il mulino, 2006
The social value of being ambivalent: Self-presentational concerns in the expression of attitudinal ambivalence
V Pillaud, N Cavazza, F Butera
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (9), 1139-1151, 2013
Bending without breaking: Examining the role of attitudinal ambivalence in resisting persuasive communication
N Cavazza, F Butera
European Journal of Social Psychology 38 (1), 1-15, 2008
Psicologia das atitudes e das opiniões
N Cavazza
Edições Loyola, 2008
Growing into politics: Contexts and timing of political socialisation
A Blanc, N Cavazza, P Corbetta, B Fournier, C Galais, G Garcìa-Albacete, ...
Ecpr Press, 2013
Antecedents of concern for personal reputation: The role of group entitativity and fear of social exclusion
N Cavazza, S Pagliaro, M Guidetti
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 36 (4), 365-376, 2014
Psicologia degli atteggiamenti e delle opinioni
N Cavazza
Il mulino, 2005
Validation of the revised Food Neophobia Scale (FNS-R) in the Italian context
M Guidetti, L Carraro, N Cavazza, M Roccato
Appetite 128, 95-99, 2018
Portion size tells who I am, food type tells who you are: Specific functions of amount and type of food in same-and opposite-sex dyadic eating contexts
N Cavazza, M Guidetti, F Butera
Appetite 112, 96-101, 2017
Me, us, or them: Who is more conformist? Perception of conformity and political orientation
N Cavazza, A Mucchi-Faina
The Journal of social psychology 148 (3), 335-346, 2008
The impact of safety training programs on workers’ psychosocial orientation and behaviour
N Cavazza, A Serpe
Revue internationale de psychologie sociale 23 (2), 187-210, 2010
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Articles 1–20