Charles Kooperberg
Charles Kooperberg
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
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Writing Group for the Women's Health Initiative Investigators, Risk and Benefits of Estrogen Plus Progestin in Healthy Postmenopausal Women-Principal Results From the Women's …
JE Rossouw
Jama 288, 321-333, 2002
Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology
AE Locke, B Kahali, SI Berndt, AE Justice, TH Pers, FR Day, C Powell, ...
Nature 518 (7538), 197-206, 2015
A reference panel of 64,976 haplotypes for genotype imputation
Nature genetics 48 (10), 1279-1283, 2016
Defining the role of common variation in the genomic and biological architecture of adult human height
AR Wood, T Esko, J Yang, S Vedantam, TH Pers, S Gustafsson, AY Chu, ...
Nature genetics 46 (11), 1173-1186, 2014
Menopausal hormone therapy and health outcomes during the intervention and extended poststopping phases of the Women’s Health Initiative randomized trials
JAE Manson, RT Chlebowski, ML Stefanick, AK Aragaki, JE Rossouw, ...
Jama 310 (13), 1353-1368, 2013
Assembly of protein tertiary structures from fragments with similar local sequences using simulated annealing and Bayesian scoring functions
KT Simons, C Kooperberg, E Huang, D Baker
Journal of molecular biology 268 (1), 209-225, 1997
Association studies of up to 1.2 million individuals yield new insights into the genetic etiology of tobacco and alcohol use
M Liu, Y Jiang, R Wedow, 23andMe Research Team
Nat Genet 51 (2), 237-244, 2019
New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution
D Shungin, TW Winkler, DC Croteau-Chonka, T Ferreira, AE Locke, ...
Nature 518 (7538), 187-196, 2015
Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program
D Taliun, DN Harris, MD Kessler, J Carlson, ZA Szpiech, R Torres, ...
Nature 590 (7845), 290-299, 2021
Effect of estrogen plus progestin on stroke in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative: a randomized trial
S Wassertheil-Smoller, S Hendrix, M Limacher, G Heiss, C Kooperberg, ...
Jama 289 (20), 2673-2684, 2003
Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes
R Malik, G Chauhan, M Traylor, M Sargurupremraj, Y Okada, A Mishra, ...
Nature genetics 50 (4), 524-537, 2018
Calcium plus vitamin D supplementation and the risk of colorectal cancer
J Wactawski-Wende, JM Kotchen, GL Anderson, AR Assaf, RL Brunner, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 354 (7), 684-696, 2006
Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture
K Estrada, U Styrkarsdottir, E Evangelou, YH Hsu, EL Duncan, EE Ntzani, ...
Nature genetics 44 (5), 491-501, 2012
The histone modification pattern of active genes revealed through genome-wide chromatin analysis of a higher eukaryote
D Schübeler, DM MacAlpine, D Scalzo, C Wirbelauer, C Kooperberg, ...
Genes & development 18 (11), 1263-1271, 2004
On conditional and intrinsic autoregressions
J Besag, C Kooperberg
Biometrika 82 (4), 733-746, 1995
Genetic analyses of diverse populations improves discovery for complex traits
GL Wojcik, M Graff, KK Nishimura, R Tao, J Haessler, CR Gignoux, ...
Nature 570 (7762), 514-518, 2019
Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington's disease brain
A Hodges, AD Strand, AK Aragaki, A Kuhn, T Sengstag, G Hughes, ...
Human molecular genetics 15 (6), 965-977, 2006
Recreational physical activity and the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women: the Women's Health Initiative Cohort Study
A McTiernan, C Kooperberg, E White, S Wilcox, R Coates, ...
Jama 290 (10), 1331-1336, 2003
Loss-of-Function Mutations in APOC3, Triglycerides, and Coronary Disease
TG and HDL Working Group of the Exome Sequencing Project, National Heart ...
New England Journal of Medicine 371 (1), 22-31, 2014
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data
MV Holmes, CE Dale, L Zuccolo, RJ Silverwood, Y Guo, Z Ye, ...
Bmj 349, g4164, 2014
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