Jorge Milhazes Freitas
Jorge Milhazes Freitas
Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Universidade do Porto
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Cited by
Extremes and recurrence in dynamical systems
V Lucarini, D Faranda, JMM de Freitas, M Holland, T Kuna, M Nicol, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Hitting time statistics and extreme value theory
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd
Probability Theory and Related Fields 147 (3), 675-710, 2010
The extremal index, hitting time statistics and periodicity
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd
Advances in Mathematics 231 (5), 2626-2665, 2012
On the link between dependence and independence in extreme value theory for dynamical systems
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas
Statistics & Probability Letters 78 (9), 1088-1093, 2008
From rates of mixing to recurrence times via large deviations
JF Alves, JM Freitas, S Luzzatto, S Vaienti
Advances in Mathematics 228 (2), 1203-1236, 2011
Extreme value laws in dynamical systems for non-smooth observations
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd
Journal of Statistical Physics 142 (1), 108-126, 2011
Laws of rare events for deterministic and random dynamical systems
H Aytaç, J Freitas, S Vaienti
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 367 (11), 8229-8278, 2015
The compound Poisson limit ruling periodic extreme behaviour of non-uniformly hyperbolic dynamics
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd
Communications in Mathematical Physics 321 (2), 483-527, 2013
Continuity of SRB measure and entropy for Benedicks–Carleson quadratic maps
JM Freitas
Nonlinearity 18 (2), 831, 2005
Speed of convergence for laws of rare events and escape rates
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 125 (4), 1653-1687, 2015
Extreme value statistics for dynamical systems with noise
D Faranda, JM Freitas, V Lucarini, G Turchetti, S Vaienti
Nonlinearity 26 (9), 2597, 2013
Microalgae as biofertilizers: a sustainable way to improve soil fertility and plant growth
J Gonçalves, J Freitas, I Fernandes, P Silva
Sustainability 15 (16), 12413, 2023
Rare events for the Manneville–Pomeau map
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Todd, S Vaienti
Stochastic Processes and their Applications 126 (11), 3463-3479, 2016
Extreme values for Benedicks–Carleson quadratic maps
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 28 (4), 1117-1133, 2008
Statistical stability for Hénon maps of the Benedicks–Carleson type
JF Alves, M Carvalho, JM Freitas
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 27 (2), 595-637, 2010
Extreme value laws for non stationary processes generated by sequential and random dynamical systems
ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, S Vaienti
Convergence of rare event point processes to the Poisson process for planar billiards
JM Freitas, N Haydn, M Nicol
Nonlinearity 27 (7), 1669, 2014
Clustering of extreme events created by multiple correlated maxima
D Azevedo, ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, FB Rodrigues
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 315, 33-48, 2016
Extremal behaviour of chaotic dynamics
JM Freitas
Dynamical Systems 28 (3), 302-332, 2013
Extremal dichotomy for uniformly hyperbolic systems
M Carvalho, ACM Freitas, JM Freitas, M Holland, M Nicol
Dynamical Systems 30 (4), 383-403, 2015
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Articles 1–20