António J. Santos
António J. Santos
ISPA - Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida
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Domains of father involvement, social competence and problem behavior in preschool children
N Torres, M Veríssimo, L Monteiro, O Ribeiro, AJ Santos
Journal of Family Studies 20 (3), 188-203, 2014
Relações entre o conhecimento das emoções, as competências académicas, as competências sociais e a aceitação entre pares
P Machado, M Veríssimo, N Torres, I Peceguina, AJ Santos, T Rolão
Análise psicológica 26 (3), 463-478, 2008
The quality of maternal secure-base scripts predicts children's secure-base behavior at home in three sociocultural groups
BE Vaughn, G Coppola, M Verissimo, L Monteiro, AJ Santos, G Posada, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Development 31 (1), 65-76, 2007
Courting females: ecological constraints affect sex roles in a natural population of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo
VC Almada, EJ Gonçalves, RF Oliveira, AJ Santos
Animal Behaviour, 1125-1127, 1995
Hierarchical models of social competence in preschool children: A multisite, multinational study
BE Vaughn, N Shin, M Kim, G Coppola, L Krzysik, AJ Santos, I Peceguina, ...
Child development 80 (6), 1775-1796, 2009
Affiliative structures in preschool peer groups.
FF Strayer, AJ Santos
Social Development 5 (2), 117-130, 1996
Envolvimento paterno e organização dos comportamentos de base segura das crianças em famílias portuguesas
L Monteiro, M Verissimo, AJ Santos, BE Vaughn
Análise Psicológica 26 (3), 395-409, 2008
Quality of attachment to father and mother and number of reciprocal friends
M Veríssimo, AJ Santos, BE Vaughn, N Torres, L Monteiro, O Santos
Early Child Development and Care 181 (1), 27-38, 2011
Female mimicry as a mating tactic in males of the blenniid fish Salaria pavo
EJ Gonçalves, VC Almada, RF Oliveira, AJ Santos
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 76 (2 …, 1996
Associations between attachment security and social competence in preschool children
M Veríssimo, AJ Santos, C Fernandes, N Shin, BE Vaughn
Merrill‐Palmer Quarterly (1982-) 60 (1), 80-99, 2014
Is the secure base phenomenon evident here, there, and anywhere? A cross‐cultural study of child behavior and experts’ definitions
G Posada, T Lu, J Trumbell, G Kaloustian, M Trudel, SJ Plata, PP Pena, ...
Child development 84 (6), 1896-1905, 2013
Breeding ecology and nest aggregations in a population of Salaria pavo (Pisces: Blenniidae) in an area where nest sites are very scarce
VC Almada, EJ Gonçlalves, AJ Santos, C Baptista
Journal of Fish Biology 45 (5), 819-830, 1994
Quality of play, social acceptance and reciprocal friendship in preschool children
L Coelho, N Torres, C Fernandes, AJ Santos
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 25 (6), 812-823, 2017
Growth of social competence during the preschool years: A 3‐year longitudinal study
AJ Santos, BE Vaughn, I Peceguina, JR Daniel, N Shin
Child development 85 (5), 2062-2073, 2014
Secure base representations for both fathers and mothers predict children's secure base behavior in a sample of Portuguese families
L Monteiro, M Veríssimo, BE Vaughn, AJ Santos, KK Bost
Attachment & human development 10 (2), 189-206, 2008
Auto-conceito e aceitação pelos pares no final do período pré-escolar
R Emídio, AJ Santos, J Maia, L Monteiro, M Veríssimo
Análise Psicológica 26 (3), 491-499, 2008
Direct and indirect relations between parent–child attachments, peer acceptance, and self-esteem for preschool children
A Pinto, M Veríssimo, A Gatinho, AJ Santos, BE Vaughn
Attachment & human development 17 (6), 586-598, 2015
Percepção de Competência Parental: Exploração de domínio geral de competência e domínios específicos de auto-eficácia, numa amostra de pais e mães portuguesas
B Ferreira, L Monteiro, C Fernandes, J Cardoso, L Veríssimo, AJ Santos
Análise Psicológica, 145-156, 2014
Children's representations of attachment and positive teacher–child relationships
M Veríssimo, N Torres, F Silva, C Fernandes, BE Vaughn, AJ Santos
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2270, 2017
Coordenação entre o modelo dinâmico interno da mãe e o comportamento de base segura dos seus filhos
M Veríssimo, L Monteiro, BE Vaughn, AJ Santos, H Waters
Análise Psicológica 23 (2), 85-95, 2005
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Artigos 1–20