Babak Naderi
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Cited by
NISQA: A deep CNN-self-attention model for multidimensional speech quality prediction with crowdsourced datasets
G Mittag, B Naderi, A Chehadi, S Möller
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.09494, 2021
Icassp 2023 deep noise suppression challenge
H Dubey, A Aazami, V Gopal, B Naderi, S Braun, R Cutler, A Ju, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 2024
QUALINET white paper on definitions of immersive media experience (IMEx)
A Perkis, C Timmerer, S Baraković, JB Husić, S Bech, S Bosse, J Botev, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.07032, 2020
An Open source Implementation of ITU-T Recommendation P. 808 with Validation
B Naderi, R Cutler
Proc. Interspeech 2020, 2862--2866, 2020
Best practices and recommendations for crowdsourced qoe-lessons learned from the qualinet task force" crowdsourcing"
T Hoßfeld, M Hirth, J Redi, F Mazza, P Korshunov, B Naderi, M Seufert, ...
A latency compensation technique based on game characteristics to mitigate the influence of delay on cloud gaming quality of experience
SS Sabet, S Schmidt, S Zadtootaghaj, B Naderi, C Griwodz, S Möller
Proceedings of the 11th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference, 15-25, 2020
Motivation of workers on microtask crowdsourcing platforms
B Naderi
Springer International Publishing, 2018
Effect of trapping questions on the reliability of speech quality judgments in a crowdsourcing paradigm
B Naderi, T Polzehl, I Wechsung, F Köster, S Möller
Sixteenth annual conference of the international speech communication …, 2015
Magnetic signatures in air for mobile devices
H Ketabdar, P Moghadam, B Naderi, M Roshandel
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on Human-computer …, 2012
Understanding the crowd: Ethical and practical matters in the academic use of crowdsourcing
D Martin, S Carpendale, N Gupta, T Hoßfeld, B Naderi, J Redi, E Siahaan, ...
Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments …, 2017
Conferencingspeech 2022 challenge: Non-intrusive objective speech quality assessment (NISQA) challenge for online conferencing applications
G Yi, W Xiao, Y Xiao, B Naderi, S Möller, W Wardah, G Mittag, R Cutler, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.16032, 2022
Crowdsourcing quality of experience experiments
S Egger-Lampl, J Redi, T Hoßfeld, M Hirth, S Möller, B Naderi, C Keimel, ...
Evaluation in the Crowd. Crowdsourcing and Human-Centered Experiments …, 2017
Towards speech quality assessment using a crowdsourcing approach: evaluation of standardized methods
B Naderi, R Zequeira Jiménez, M Hirth, S Möller, F Metzger, T Hoßfeld
Quality and User Experience 6, 1-21, 2020
Assessing interactive gaming quality of experience using a crowdsourcing approach
S Schmidt, B Naderi, SS Sabet, S Zadtootaghaj, S Möller
2020 Twelfth international conference on quality of multimedia experience …, 2020
Subjective assessment of text complexity: A dataset for german language
B Naderi, S Mohtaj, K Ensikat, S Möller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.07733, 2019
Subjective evaluation of noise suppression algorithms in crowdsourcing
B Naderi, R Cutler
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.13200, 2020
Robustness in speech quality assessment and temporal training expiry in mobile crowdsourcing environments.
T Polzehl, B Naderi, F Köster, S Möller
INTERSPEECH, 2794-2798, 2015
Crowdsourcing approach for subjective evaluation of echo impairment
R Cutler, B Naderi, M Loide, S Sootla, A Saabas
ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021
Effect of Being Observed on the Reliability of Responses in Crowdsourcing Micro-task Platforms
B Naderi, I Wechsung, S Möller
Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), 2015 Seventh International Workshop on, 2015
Development and validation of extrinsic motivation scale for crowdsourcing micro-task platforms
B Naderi, I Wechsung, T Polzehl, S Möller
Proceedings of the 2014 International ACM workshop on Crowdsourcing for …, 2014
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Articles 1–20