Guillem Molina-Vacas
Guillem Molina-Vacas
Postdoc fellowship, University of Porto
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From groups to communities in western lowland gorillas
G Forcina, D Vallet, PJ Le Gouar, R Bernardo-Madrid, G Illera, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1896), 20182019, 2019
Revisiting the phylogeography and demography of European badgers (Meles meles) based on broad sampling, multiple markers and simulations
AC Frantz, AD McDevitt, LC Pope, J Kochan, J Davison, CF Clements, ...
Heredity 113 (5), 443-453, 2014
Species-specific movement traits and specialization determine the spatial responses of small mammals towards roads
C Grilo, G Molina-Vacas, X Fernández-Aguilar, J Rodriguez-Ruiz, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 169, 199-207, 2018
Atropellos de mamíferos y tráfico en la red viaria de un espacio natural en el área metropolitana de Barcelona: quince años de seguimiento en el parque de Collserola
A Tenés, S Cahill, F Llimona, G Molina
Galemys 19, 169-188, 2007
Spatial ecology of European badgers (Meles meles) in mediterranean habitats of the north-eastern Iberian peninsula. i: home range size, spatial distribution and social organization
G Molina-Vacas, V Bonet-Arboli, ER Rt-Plaza, JD Rodríguez-Teijeiro
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 223-232, 2009
Carriage of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in urban versus rural wild boars
N Navarro-Gonzalez, R Castillo-Contreras, E Casas-Díaz, N Morellet, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 64, 1-9, 2018
Effects of roads on spatial behaviour and abundance of small mammals: gaps in knowledge
F Porto Peter, G Molina-Vacas, J Rodriguez, C Grilo
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2013
First report of Troglotrema acutum (Digenea, Troglotrematidae) in the Eurasian badger Meles meles in the Iberian Peninsula and presumptive lesions caused in the host
A Ribas, G Molina-Vacas, M Boadella, JD Rodríguez-Teijeiro, ...
Journal of helminthology 86 (2), 222-227, 2012
Movement patterns of forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis Matschie, 1900) in the Odzala‐Kokoua National Park, Republic of Congo
G Molina‐Vacas, R Muñoz‐Mas, F Martínez‐Capel, ...
African Journal of Ecology 58 (1), 23-33, 2020
Heterogeneous road networks have no apparent effect on the genetic structure of small mammal populations
C Grilo, I Del Cerro, A Centeno-Cuadros, V Ramiro, J Román, ...
Science of the total environment 565, 706-713, 2016
Spatial ecology of European badgers (Meles meles) in mediterranean habitats of the North-Eastern Iberian peninsula. II: habitat Selection
G Molina-Vacas, V Bonet-Arboli, E Rafart-Plaza, JD Rodríguez-Teijeiro
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 233-242, 2009
Presence of raccoon (Procyon lotor) in Doñana National Park and its surroundings
XF Aguilar, G Molina, V Ramiro, FA Carro, JÁ Barasosa, J Vicente, ...
Galemys: Boletín informativo de la Sociedad Española para la conservación y …, 2012
Habitat selection of two medium-sized carnivores in an isolated and highly anthropogenic Mediterranean park: the importance of riverbank vegetation
G Molina-Vacas, V Bonet-Arbolí, JD Rodríguez-Teijeiro
Italian Journal of Zoology 79 (1), 128-135, 2012
Reaffirming the Loma Mountains National Park in Sierra Leone as a critical site for the conservation of West African chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes verus)
G Molina‐Vacas, R Muñoz‐Mas, B Amarasekaran, RM Garriga
American Journal of Primatology 85 (4), e23469, 2023
Secrets of Western Lowland Gorilla highly social behavior revealed
G Forcina, D Vallet, PJ Le Gouar, R Bernardo-Madrid, G Illera, ...
Parentesco y patrones de movilidad desvelan redes sociales modulares en el gorila occidental de llanura (Gorilla gorilla gorilla)
G Forcina, D Vallet, P Le Gouar, E Revilla, R Bernardo-Madrid, ...
XIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Mammalogist (SECEM), 2017
Data from: Re-visiting the phylogeography and demography of European badgers (Meles meles) based on broad sampling, multiple markers and simulations
AC Frantz, AD McDevitt, LC Pope, J Kochan, J Davison, CF Clements, ...
Respostes de l’ús del territori al paisatge en mamífers de mida gran i mitjana
G Molina Vacas
Universitat de Barcelona, 2011
Respostes de l'ús del territori al paisatge en mamífers de mida gran i mitjana
GM Vacas
Presència d’un trematode paràsit cranial al toixó (Meles meles) al Parc Natural del Montseny
A Ribas, I Torre, G Molina
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Articles 1–20