Mortaza (Mori) Jamshidian
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Cited by
MissMech: An R package for testing homoscedasticity, multivariate normality, and missing completely at random (MCAR)
M Jamshidian, S Jalal, C Jansen
Journal of Statistical software 56, 1-31, 2014
Acceleration of the EM algorithm by using quasi‐Newton methods
M Jamshidian, RI Jennrich
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 1997
Conjugate gradient acceleration of the EM algorithm
M Jamshidian, RI Jennrich
Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 (421), 221-228, 1993
Tests of homoscedasticity, normality, and missing completely at random for incomplete multivariate data
M Jamshidian, S Jalal
Psychometrika 75 (4), 649-674, 2010
ML estimation of mean and covariance structures with missing data using complete data routines
M Jamshidian, PM Bentler
Journal of Educational and behavioral Statistics 24 (1), 21-24, 1999
Beneficiary effect of dietary soy protein on lowering plasma levels of lipid and improving kidney function in type II diabetes with nephropathy
L Azadbakht, R Shakerhosseini, S Atabak, M Jamshidian, Y Mehrabi, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 57 (10), 1292-1294, 2003
Standard errors for EM estimation
M Jamshidian, RI Jennrich
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2000
Protein isoelectric point as a predictor for increased crystallization screening efficiency
KA Kantardjieff, B Rupp
Bioinformatics 20 (14), 2162-2168, 2004
Advances in analysis of mean and covariance structure when data are incomplete
M Jamshidian, M Mata
Handbook of latent variable and related models, 21-44, 2007
Multiple comparison of several linear regression models
W Liu, M Jamshidian, Y Zhang
Journal of the American Statistical Association 99 (466), 395-403, 2004
On algorithms for restricted maximum likelihood estimation
M Jamshidian
Computational statistics & data analysis 45 (2), 137-157, 2004
Simulation-based simultaneous confidence bands in multiple linear regression with predictor variables constrained in intervals
W Liu, M Jamshidian, Y Zhang, J Donnelly
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 14 (2), 459-484, 2005
On algorithms for the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of the failure function with censored data
Y Zhang, M Jamshidian
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 13 (1), 123-140, 2004
The gamma-frailty Poisson model for the nonparametric estimation of panel count data
Y Zhang, M Jamshidian
Biometrics 59 (4), 1099-1106, 2003
A study of partial F tests for multiple linear regression models
M Jamshidian, RI Jennrich, W Liu
Computational statistics & data analysis 51 (12), 6269-6284, 2007
Strategies for analysis of incomplete data
M Jamshidian
Handbook of data analysis, 112-130, 2004
Effects of a low-calorie, low-carbohydrate soy containing diet on systemic inflammation among patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a parallel randomized clinical trial
AH Kani, SM Alavian, A Esmaillzadeh, P Adibi, F Haghighatdoost, ...
Hormone and Metabolic Research 49 (09), 687-692, 2017
A modified Newton method for constrained estimation in covariance structure analysis
M Jamshidian, PM Bentler
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 15 (2), 133-146, 1993
Pooling batches in drug stability study by using constant‐width simultaneous confidence bands
W Liu, M Jamshidian, Y Zhang, F Bretz, XL Han
Statistics in medicine 26 (14), 2759-2771, 2007
A note on parameter and standard error estimation in adaptive robust regression
M Jamshidian
Journal of statistical computation and simulation 71 (1), 11-27, 2001
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Articles 1–20