Marc Barthelemy
Marc Barthelemy
Institut de Physique Theorique (CEA) and Centre d'Analyse et de Mathematique Sociales (EHESS)
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The architecture of complex weighted networks
A Barrat, M Barthelemy, R Pastor-Satorras, A Vespignani
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 101 (11), 3747-3752, 2004
Classes of small-world networks
LAN Amaral, A Scala, M Barthelemy, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 97 (21), 11149-11152, 2000
Multilayer networks
M Kivelä, A Arenas, M Barthelemy, JP Gleeson, Y Moreno, MA Porter
Journal of complex networks 2 (3), 203-271, 2014
Dynamical processes on complex networks
A Barrat, M Barthelemy, A Vespignani
Cambridge university press, 2008
Resolution limit in community detection
S Fortunato, M Barthelemy
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 104 (1), 36-41, 2007
Spatial networks
M Barthelemy
Physics Reports 499 (Issues 1–3), 1-101, 2011
The role of the airline transportation network in the prediction and predictability of global epidemics
V Colizza, A Barrat, M Barthélemy, A Vespignani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of …, 2006
Human mobility: Models and applications
H Barbosa, M Barthelemy, G Ghoshal, CR James, M Lenormand, T Louail, ...
Physics Reports 734, 1-74, 2018
Betweenness centrality in large complex networks
M Barthelemy
The European physical journal B 38 (2), 163-168, 2004
Modeling the worldwide spread of pandemic influenza: baseline case and containment interventions
V Colizza, A Barrat, M Barthelemy, AJ Valleron, A Vespignani
PLoS medicine 4 (1), e13, 2007
Weighted evolving networks: coupling topology and weight dynamics
A Barrat, M Barthélemy, A Vespignani
Physical review letters 92 (22), 228701, 2004
Velocity and hierarchical spread of epidemic outbreaks in scale-free networks
M Barthélemy, A Barrat, R Pastor-Satorras, A Vespignani
Physical review letters 92 (17), 178701, 2004
Dynamical patterns of epidemic outbreaks in complex heterogeneous networks
M Barthélemy, A Barrat, R Pastor-Satorras, A Vespignani
Journal of theoretical biology 235 (2), 275-288, 2005
From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities
T Louail, M Lenormand, OG Cantu Ros, M Picornell, R Herranz, ...
Scientific reports 4 (1), 5276, 2014
Structure of urban movements: polycentric activity and entangled hierarchical flows
C Roth, SM Kang, M Batty, M Barthélemy
PloS one 6 (1), e15923, 2011
Characterization and modeling of weighted networks
M Barthélemy, A Barrat, R Pastor-Satorras, A Vespignani
Physica a: Statistical mechanics and its applications 346 (1-2), 34-43, 2005
Modeling the evolution of weighted networks
A Barrat, M Barthélemy, A Vespignani
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (6 …, 2004
Small-world networks: Evidence for a crossover picture
M Barthélémy, LAN Amaral
Physical Review Letters 82 (15), 3180, 1999
The structure of interurban traffic: a weighted network analysis
A De Montis, M Barthélemy, A Chessa, A Vespignani
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34 (5), 905-924, 2007
Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks
E Strano, V Nicosia, V Latora, S Porta, M Barthélemy
Scientific reports 2 (1), 296, 2012
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