Dr. Joana C. Xavier
Dr. Joana C. Xavier
Scientist and Engineer, Imperial College London
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Cited by
Cited by
MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
C Lieven, ME Beber, BG Olivier, FT Bergmann, M Ataman, P Babaei, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (3), 272-276, 2020
The last universal common ancestor between ancient Earth chemistry and the onset of genetics
MC Weiss, M Preiner, JC Xavier, V Zimorski, WF Martin
PLoS genetics 14 (8), e1007518, 2018
Autocatalytic chemical networks at the origin of metabolism
JC Xavier, W Hordijk, S Kauffman, M Steel, WF Martin
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1922), 20192377, 2020
The Future of Origin of Life Research: Bridging Decades-Old Divisions
M Preiner, S Asche, S Becker, HC Betts, A Boniface, E Camprubi, ...
Life 10 (3), 20, 2020
Integration of Biomass Formulations of Genome-Scale Metabolic Models with Experimental Data Reveals Universally Essential Cofactors in Prokaryotes
JC Xavier, KR Patil, I Rocha
Metabolic engineering 39, 200-208, 2017
Serpentinization: Connecting Geochemistry, Ancient Metabolism and Industrial Hydrogenation
M Preiner, JC Xavier, F Sousa, V Zimorski, A Neubeck, S Lang, ...
Life 8 (4), 41, 2018
Systems biology perspectives on minimal and simpler cells
JC Xavier, KR Patil, I Rocha
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 78 (3), 487-509, 2014
The metabolic network of the last bacterial common ancestor
JC Xavier, RE Gerhards, JLE Wimmer, J Brueckner, FDK Tria, WF Martin
Communications biology 4 (1), 413, 2021
Memote: A community driven effort towards a standardized genome-scale metabolic model test suite
C Lieven, ME Beber, BG Olivier, FT Bergmann, M Ataman, P Babaei, ...
BioRxiv, 350991, 2018
Autocatalytic networks in biology: structural theory and algorithms
M Steel, W Hordijk, JC Xavier
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 (151), 20180808, 2019
Energy at origins: Favorable thermodynamics of biosynthetic reactions in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA)
JLE Wimmer, JC Xavier, AN Vieira, DPH Pereira, J Leidner, FL Sousa, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 793664, 2021
Catalysts, autocatalysis and the origin of metabolism
M Preiner, JC Xavier, AN Vieira, K Kleinermanns, JF Allen, WF Martin
Interface Focus 9 (6), 20190072, 2019
Gene duplications trace mitochondria to the onset of eukaryote complexity
FDK Tria, J Brueckner, J Skejo, JC Xavier, N Kapust, M Knopp, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (5), evab055, 2021
Small-molecule autocatalytic networks are universal metabolic fossils
JC Xavier, S Kauffman
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 380 (2227), 20210244, 2022
Something special about CO‐dependent CO 2 fixation
JC Xavier, M Preiner, WF Martin
The FEBS Journal, 2018
The Autotrophic Core: An Ancient Network of 404 Reactions Converts H2, CO2, and NH3 into Amino Acids, Bases, and Cofactors
JLE Wimmer, AN Vieira, JC Xavier, K Kleinermanns, WF Martin, M Preiner
Microorganisms 9 (2), 458, 2021
Metabolic models and gene essentiality data reveal essential and conserved metabolism in prokaryotes
JC Xavier, KR Patil, I Rocha
PLOS Computational Biology 14 (11), e1006556, 2018
The structure of autocatalytic networks, with application to early biochemistry
M Steel, JC Xavier, DH Huson
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17 (171), 20200488, 2020
To unravel the origin of life, treat findings as pieces of a bigger puzzle
N Lane, JC Xavier
Nature 626 (8001), 948-951, 2024
What Wilhelm Ostwald meant by “Autokatalyse” and its significance to origins‐of‐life research: Facilitating the search for chemical pathways underlying abiogenesis by reviving …
Z Peng, K Paschek, JC Xavier
BioEssays 44 (9), 2200098, 2022
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Articles 1–20