Lu Bai
Lu Bai
University of York, York, UK
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Cited by
A quantum Jensen–Shannon graph kernel for unattributed graphs
L Bai, L Rossi, A Torsello, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 48 (2), 344-355, 2015
Graph kernels from the jensen-shannon divergence
L Bai, ER Hancock
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 47 (1), 60-69, 2013
Adaptive hash retrieval with kernel based similarity
X Bai, C Yan, H Yang, L Bai, J Zhou, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 75, 136-148, 2018
Learning backtrackless aligned-spatial graph convolutional networks for graph classification
L Bai, L Cui, Y Jiao, L Rossi, ER Hancock
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (2), 783-798, 2020
BLoG: Bootstrapped graph representation learning with local and global regularization for recommendation
M Li, L Zhang, L Cui, L Bai, Z Li, X Wu
Pattern Recognition 144, 109874, 2023
Joint hypergraph learning and sparse regression for feature selection
Z Zhang, L Bai, Y Liang, E Hancock
Pattern Recognition 63, 291-309, 2017
Nonlocal similarity based nonnegative tucker decomposition for hyperspectral image denoising
X Bai, F Xu, L Zhou, Y Xing, L Bai, J Zhou
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2018
Quantum-based subgraph convolutional neural networks
Z Zhang, D Chen, J Wang, L Bai, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 88, 38-49, 2019
An aligned subtree kernel for weighted graphs
L Bai, L Rossi, Z Zhang, E Hancock
International Conference on Machine Learning, 30-39, 2015
Metalantis: A comprehensive underwater image enhancement framework
H Wang, W Zhang, L Bai, P Ren
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024
Fused lasso for feature selection using structural information
L Cui, L Bai, Y Wang, SY Philip, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 119, 108058, 2021
Depth-based complexity traces of graphs
L Bai, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 47 (3), 1172-1186, 2014
Attributed Graph Kernels Using the Jensen-Tsallis q-Differences
L Bai, L Rossi, H Bunke, ER Hancock
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2014
Entropic dynamic time warping kernels for co-evolving financial time series analysis
L Bai, L Cui, Z Zhang, L Xu, Y Wang, ER Hancock
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (4), 1808-1822, 2020
Internet financing credit risk evaluation using multiple structural interacting elastic net feature selection
L Cui, L Bai, Y Wang, X Jin, ER Hancock
Pattern recognition 114, 107835, 2021
Learning graph convolutional networks based on quantum vertex information propagation
L Bai, Y Jiao, L Cui, L Rossi, Y Wang, SY Philip, ER Hancock
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (2), 1747-1760, 2021
Haqjsk: Hierarchical-aligned quantum jensen-shannon kernels for graph classification
L Bai, L Cui, Y Wang, M Li, J Li, SY Philip, ER Hancock
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2024
Fast depth-based subgraph kernels for unattributed graphs
L Bai, ER Hancock
Pattern Recognition 50, 233-245, 2016
Multimodal graph learning based on 3D Haar semi-tight framelet for student engagement prediction
M Li, X Zhuang, L Bai, W Ding
Information Fusion 105, 102224, 2024
Deep Rényi entropy graph kernel
L Xu, L Bai, X Jiang, M Tan, D Zhang, B Luo
Pattern Recognition 111, 107668, 2021
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Articles 1–20