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Benedict C. JonesProfessor of Psychology, School of Psychological Sciences and Health, University of StrathclydeEmail confirmado em strath.ac.uk
Mike BurtDurham UniversityEmail confirmado em durham.ac.uk
Anthony LittleUniversity of BathEmail confirmado em bath.ac.uk
Ian Penton-VoakEmail confirmado em bristol.ac.uk
Michael OramUniversity of St AndrewsEmail confirmado em st-andrews.ac.uk
Bernard TiddemanProfessor in Computer Science, Aberystwyth UniversityEmail confirmado em aber.ac.uk
David FeinbergAssociate Professor, McMaster UniversityEmail confirmado em mcmaster.ca
Andrew J CalderAndrew J Calder (1965-2013), MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, CambridgeEmail confirmado em mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk
Andy YoungA.W. Young, Department of Psychology, University of York, EnglandEmail confirmado em york.ac.uk
Lisa DeBruineSchool of Psychology & Neuroscience, University of GlasgowEmail confirmado em glasgow.ac.uk
Fhionna MooreNHS TaysideEmail confirmado em nhs.scot
Lynda BoothroydDurham UniversityEmail confirmado em dur.ac.uk
Jari K. HietanenProfessor of psychology, Tampere UniversityEmail confirmado em tuni.fi
Michael StirratLecturer in Social Psychology, Edinburgh Napier UniversityEmail confirmado em Napier.ac.uk
Edmund T RollsOxford Centre for Computational Neuroscience and University of WarwickEmail confirmado em oxcns.org
Vinet CoetzeeAssociate Professor, University of PretoriaEmail confirmado em up.ac.za
Justin H G WilliamsGriffith University & Gold Coast HSSEmail confirmado em health.qld.gov.au
Christian KeysersHead of Social Brain Lab (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience) and Professor of Social NeurosciEmail confirmado em nin.knaw.nl
Ian D StephenBournemouth UniversityEmail confirmado em bournemouth.ac.uk
Daniel ReUniversity of TorontoEmail confirmado em utoronto.ca