Giuseppe Patane'
Cited by
Cited by
Mesh segmentation-a comparative study
M Attene, S Katz, M Mortara, G Patané, M Spagnuolo, A Tal
IEEE International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications 2006 (SMI …, 2006
Discrete Laplace–Beltrami operators for shape analysis and segmentation
M Reuter, S Biasotti, D Giorgi, G Patanè, M Spagnuolo
Computers & Graphics 33 (3), 381-390, 2009
SHREC 2011: robust feature detection and description benchmark
E Boyer, AM Bronstein, MM Bronstein, B Bustos, T Darom, R Horaud, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1102.4258, 2011
Blowing bubbles for multi-scale analysis and decomposition of triangle meshes
M Mortara, G Patané, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno, J Rossignac
Algorithmica 38, 227-248, 2004
Plumber: a method for a multi-scale decomposition of 3 D shapes into tubular primitives and bodies
M Mortara, G Patané, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno, J Rossignac
Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications, 339-344, 2004
3D shape matching through topological structures
S Biasotti, S Marini, M Mortara, G Patane, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 11th International Conference, DGCI …, 2003
What’s in an image? Towards the computation of the “best” view of an object
O Polonsky, G Patané, S Biasotti, C Gotsman, M Spagnuolo
The Visual Computer 21, 840-847, 2005
Spectral-driven isometry-invariant matching of 3D shapes
MR Ruggeri, G Patanè, M Spagnuolo, D Saupe
International Journal of Computer Vision 89, 248-265, 2010
An overview on properties and efficacy of topological skeletons in shape modelling
S Biasotti, S Marini, M Mortara
Shape Modeling and Applications, International Conference on, 245-245, 2003
Local barycentric coordinates
J Zhang, B Deng, Z Liu, G Patanè, S Bouaziz, K Hormann, L Liu
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 33 (6), 1-12, 2014
Shrec 2010: robust large-scale shape retrieval benchmark
AM Bronstein, MM Bronstein, U Castellani, B Falcidieno, A Fusiello, ...
Proc. 3DOR 5 (4), 1-8, 2010
From geometric to semantic human body models
M Mortara, G Patané, M Spagnuolo
Computers & Graphics 30 (2), 185-196, 2006
Graph-based representations of point clouds
M Natali, S Biasotti, G Patanè, B Falcidieno
Graphical Models 73 (5), 151-164, 2011
Affine-invariant skeleton of 3d shapes
M Mortara, G Patane
Proceedings SMI. Shape Modeling International 2002, 245-278, 2002
Para‐Graph: Graph‐Based Parameterization of Triangle Meshes with Arbitrary Genus
G Patane, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno
Computer Graphics Forum 23 (4), 783-797, 2004
A minimal contouring approach to the computation of the Reeb graph
G Patane, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (4), 583-595, 2009
Computational methods for understanding 3D shapes
M Attene, S Biasotti, M Mortara, G Patanè, M Spagnuolo, B Falcidieno
Computers & Graphics 30 (3), 323-333, 2006
Fuzzy transform and least-squares approximation: analogies, differences, and generalizations
G Patanè
Fuzzy sets and systems 180 (1), 41-54, 2011
Hierarchical structure recovery of point‐sampled surfaces
M Attene, G Patanè
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (6), 1905-1920, 2010
Shape-covering for skeleton extraction
M Mortara, G Patane
International Journal of Shape Modeling 8 (02), 139-158, 2002
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Articles 1–20