Tullio TANZI
Tullio TANZI
LTCI, Telecom Paris Institut Polytechnique de Paris
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Autonomous Drones for Assisting Rescue Services within the context of Natural Disasters
L Apvrille, TJ Tanzi, JL Dugelay
XXXI General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, 4 p., 2014
Towards" drone-borne" disaster management: future application scenarios
TJ Tanzi, M Chandra, J Isnard, D Camara, O Sebastien, F Harivelo
XXIII ISPRS Congress, Commission VIII (Volume III-8) 3, 181--189, 2016
Autonomous Drones for Disasters Management: Safety and Security Verifications
L Apvrille, Y Roudier, T Tanzi
URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC' 2015). Meloneras …, 2015
UAVs for Humanitarian Missions: Autonomy and Reliability
TJ Tanzi, L Apvrille, Y Roudier, JL Dugelay
IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 8 p., 2014
Drone-borne GPR design: Propagation issues
M Chandra, TJ Tanzi
Comptes Rendus Physique 19 (1-2), 72-84, 2018
A primer ON TeleGeoProcessing and TeleGeoMonitoring
R Laurini, S Servigne, T Tanzi
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 25 (3), 249-265, 2001
Generating Virtual Worlds from Biodiversity Information Systems: requirements, general process and typology of the metaverse's models
D Sébastien, N Conruyt, R Courdier, T Tanzi
2009 Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2009
Radio sciences and disaster management
TJ Tanzi, F Lefeuvre
Comptes Rendus Physique 11 (1), 114-124, 2010
Télécoms pour l'ingénierie du risque
TJ Tanzi, P Perrot
Collection Technique et Scientifique des Télécoms, 2009
The contribution of Radio sciences to disaster management
TJ Tanzi, F Lefeuvre
International Symposium on Geo-information for Disaster Management-Gi4DM 2011, 2011
International union of radio science, international council for science (ICSU), joint board of geospatial information societies (JBGIS)
F Lefeuvre, T Tanzi
United Nations office for outer Space Affairs (OOSA), 2013
Autonomous system for data collection: Location and mapping issues in post-disaster environment
TJ Tanzi, J Isnard
Comptes Rendus Physique 20 (3), 204-217, 2019
Towards a new architecture for autonomous data collection
TJ Tanzi, Y Roudier, L Apvrille
Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci, 3 (XL-3/W3), 363-369, 2015
Ingénierie du risque
T Tanzi, F Delmer
Hermès science publications, 2006
Multi-level Latency Evaluation with an MDE Approach
D Genius, LW Li, L Apvrille, T Tanzi
6th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software …, 2018
Radio Science Contribution to Emergency Disaster
F Lefeuvre, TJ Tanzi
Radio Science Bulletin. ISSN 1024-4530., 37-46, 2014
Principles and practices in TeleGeomatics
TJ Tanzi
Proceedings of the second International Symposium on Telegeoprocessing, Nice …, 2000
Principles and practices in TeleGeomatics
TJ Tanzi
Proceedings of the second International Symposium on Telegeoprocessing, Nice …, 2000
A system for motorway management based on risk rate estimation
TJ Tanzi, R Guiol, R Laurini, S Servigne
Safety science 30 (1-2), 9-23, 1998
Autonomous systems for rescue missions: design, architecture and configuration validation
T Tanzi, M Bertolino
Information Systems Frontiers 23 (5), 1189-1202, 2021
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Articles 1–20