Aditi Iyer
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Cited by
Extension of CERR for computational radiomics: A comprehensive MATLAB platform for reproducible radiomics research
AP Apte, A Iyer, M Crispin‐Ortuzar, R Pandya, LV Van Dijk, E Spezi, ...
Medical physics 45 (8), 3713-3720, 2018
Using auto-segmentation to reduce contouring and dose inconsistency in clinical trials: the simulated impact on RTOG 0617
M Thor, A Apte, R Haq, A Iyer, E LoCastro, JO Deasy
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 109 (5), 1619-1626, 2021
Preoperative MRI-radiomics features improve prediction of survival in glioblastoma patients over MGMT methylation status alone
F Tixier, H Um, D Bermudez, A Iyer, A Apte, MS Graham, KS Nevel, ...
Oncotarget 10 (6), 660, 2019
The image biomarker standardization initiative: standardized convolutional filters for reproducible radiomics and enhanced clinical insights
P Whybra, A Zwanenburg, V Andrearczyk, R Schaer, AP Apte, A Ayotte, ...
Radiology 310 (2), e231319, 2024
Toward personalized dose-prescription in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: validation of published normal tissue complication probability models
M Thor, JO Deasy, A Iyer, E Bendau, A Fontanella, A Apte, E Yorke, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 138, 45-51, 2019
A novel kernel Wasserstein distance on Gaussian measures: An application of identifying dental artifacts in head and neck computed tomography
JH Oh, M Pouryahya, A Iyer, AP Apte, JO Deasy, A Tannenbaum
Computers in biology and medicine 120, 103731, 2020
Library of deep-learning image segmentation and outcomes model-implementations
AP Apte, A Iyer, M Thor, R Pandya, R Haq, J Jiang, E LoCastro, ...
Physica Medica 73, 190-196, 2020
Histogram analysis and visual heterogeneity of diffusion‐weighted imaging with apparent diffusion coefficient mapping in the prediction of molecular subtypes of invasive breast …
JV Horvat, A Iyer, EA Morris, A Apte, B Bernard-Davila, DF Martinez, ...
Contrast media & molecular imaging 2019 (1), 2972189, 2019
Deep learning auto-segmentation and automated treatment planning for trismus risk reduction in head and neck cancer radiotherapy
M Thor, A Iyer, J Jiang, A Apte, H Veeraraghavan, NB Allgood, JA Kouri, ...
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology 19, 96-101, 2021
Prospectively-validated deep learning model for segmenting swallowing and chewing structures in CT
A Iyer, M Thor, I Onochie, J Hesse, K Zakeri, E LoCastro, J Jiang, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 67 (2), 024001, 2022
Deep learning-based auto-segmentation of swallowing and chewing structures
A Iyer, M Thor, R Haq, JO Deasy, AP Apte
bioRxiv, 772178, 2019
Reproducibility of radiomic features using network analysis and its application in Wasserstein k-means clustering
JH Oh, AP Apte, E Katsoulakis, N Riaz, V Hatzoglou, Y Yu, U Mahmood, ...
Journal of Medical Imaging 8 (3), 031904-031904, 2021
External validation of pulmonary radiotherapy toxicity models for ultracentral lung tumors
I Chen, AJ Wu, A Jackson, P Patel, L Sun, A Ng, A Iyer, A Apte, A Rimner, ...
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 38, 57-61, 2023
Portable framework to deploy deep learning segmentation models for medical images
A Iyer, E Locastro, AP Apte, H Veeraraghavan, JO Deasy
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 17.435903, 2021
Group-representative functional network estimation from multi-subject fMRI data via MRF-based image segmentation
B Tang, A Iyer, V Rao, N Kong
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 179, 104976, 2019
Exploring published and novel pre-treatment CT and PET radiomics to stratify risk of progression among early-stage non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with stereotactic …
M Thor, K Fitzgerald, A Apte, JH Oh, A Iyer, O Odiase, S Nadeem, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 190, 109983, 2024
Simulating the potential of model-based individualized prescriptions for ultracentral lung tumors
I Chen, A Iyer, M Thor, AJ Wu, A Apte, A Rimner, D Gomez, JO Deasy, ...
Advances in Radiation Oncology 8 (6), 101285, 2023
Optimal mass transport for robust texture analysis
Z Belkhatir, A Iyer, JC Mathews, M Pouryahya, S Nadeem, JO Deasy, ...
bioRxiv, 855221, 2019
ROE (Radiotherapy Outcomes Estimator): An open-source tool for optimizing radiotherapy prescriptions
A Iyer, AP Apte, E Bendau, M Thor, I Chen, J Shin, A Wu, D Gomez, ...
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 242, 107833, 2023
STRATIS: A Cloud-enabled Software Toolbox for Radiotherapy and Imaging Analysis
AP Apte, E LoCastro, A Iyer, J Jiang, JH Oh, H Veeraraghavan, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.11. 08.515686, 2022
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Articles 1–20