Willem De Grave
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Problem‐based learning: Future challenges for educational practice and research
DHJM Dolmans, W De Grave, IHAP Wolfhagen, CPM Van Der Vleuten
Medical education 39 (7), 732-741, 2005
Trends in research on the tutor in problem-based learning: conclusions and implications for educational practice and research
DHJM Dolmans, WH Gijselaers, JHC Moust, WS Grave, IHAP Wolfhagen, ...
Medical teacher 24 (2), 173-180, 2002
Problem based learning: Cognitive and metacognitive processes during problem analysis
WS De Grave, HPA Boshuizen, HG Schmidt
Instructional science 24 (5), 321-341, 1996
Profiles of effective tutors in problem‐based learning: scaffolding student learning
WS De Grave, DHJM Dolmans, CPM Van Der Vleuten
Medical education 33 (12), 901-906, 1999
HC, & Patel, VL (1989). Explanatory models in the processing of science text: The role of prior knowledge activation through small-group discussion
HG Schmidt, WS De Grave, ML De Volder, J Moust
Journal of Educational Psychology 81, 610-619, 1989
Visualising the invisible: a network approach to reveal the informal social side of student learning
J Hommes, B Rienties, W de Grave, G Bos, L Schuwirth, A Scherpbier
Advances in Health Sciences Education 17, 743-757, 2012
The retrospective pre–post: a practical method to evaluate learning from an educational program
F Bhanji, R Gottesman, W de Grave, Y Steinert, LR Winer
Academic emergency medicine 19 (2), 189-194, 2012
Comparison of text and video cases in a postgraduate problem‐based learning format
T Balslev, WS De Grave, AMM Muijtjens, A Scherpbier
Medical education 39 (11), 1086-1092, 2005
Professionalism: Evolution of the concept
WNKA van Mook, WS de Grave, V Wass, H O'Sullivan, JH Zwaveling, ...
European Journal of Internal Medicine 20 (4), e81-e84, 2009
Effects of problem-based discussion on studying a subsequent text: A randomized trial among first year medical students
WS De Grave, HG Schmidt, HPA Boshuizen
Instructional Science 29, 33-44, 2001
Becoming a clinical teacher: identity formation in context
P Cantillon, T Dornan, W De Grave
Academic Medicine 94 (10), 1610-1618, 2019
A comprehensive overview of medical error in hospitals using incident-reporting systems, patient complaints and chart review of inpatient deaths
JM de Feijter, WS de Grave, AM Muijtjens, AJJA Scherpbier, ...
PloS one 7 (2), e31125, 2012
A framework of teaching competencies across the medical education continuum
WM Molenaar, A Zanting, P Van Beukelen, W De Grave, JA Baane, ...
Medical Teacher 31 (5), 390-396, 2009
How do clinicians become teachers? A communities of practice perspective
P Cantillon, M D’Eath, W De Grave, T Dornan
Advances in Health Sciences Education 21, 991-1008, 2016
Students’ perceptions of patient safety during the transition from undergraduate to postgraduate training: an activity theory analysis
JM de Feijter, WS de Grave, T Dornan, RP Koopmans, AJJA Scherpbier
Advances in health sciences education 16, 347-358, 2011
Visual expertise in paediatric neurology
T Balslev, H Jarodzka, K Holmqvist, W de Grave, AMM Muijtjens, B Eika, ...
European journal of paediatric neurology 16 (2), 161-166, 2012
Portfolio as a tool to stimulate teachers' reflections
DEH Tigelaar, DHJM Dolmans, WS De Grave, IHAP Wolfhagen, ...
Medical teacher 28 (3), 277-282, 2006
Student perspectives on critical incidents in the tutorial group
WS De Grave, DHJM Dolmans, CPM Van Der Vleuten
Advances in Health Sciences Education 7, 201-209, 2002
Student perceptions about the characteristics of an effective discussion during the reporting phase in problem‐based learning
AJSF Visschers‐Pleijers, DHJM Dolmans, WS De Grave, IHAP Wolfhagen, ...
Medical Education 40 (9), 924-931, 2006
Tutor intervention profile: reliability and validity
WSD Grave, DHJM Dolmans, CPM Vleuten
Medical Education 32 (3), 262-268, 1998
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Articles 1–20