Helena Araujo
Helena Araujo
University of Porto - CIIE
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Escola e aprendizagem para o trabalho num país da (semi) periferia europeia
SR Stoer, HC Araújo
Escher, 1992
GAMT deficiency: features, treatment, and outcome in an inborn error of creatine synthesis
S Mercimek-Mahmutoglu, S Stoeckler-Ipsiroglu, A Adami, R Appleton, ...
Neurology 67 (3), 480-484, 2006
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) deficiency: outcomes in 48 individuals and recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring
S Stockler-Ipsiroglu, C Van Karnebeek, N Longo, GC Korenke, ...
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 111 (1), 16-25, 2014
Estratégia nacional de educação para a cidadania
R Monteiro, L Ucha, T Alvarez, C Milagre, MJ Neves, M Silva, V Prazeres, ...
República Portuguesa. XXI Governo constitucional. Ministério da Educação …, 2017
As pioneiras na educação: as professoras primárias na viragem do século contextos, percursos e experiências, 1870-1933
H Araújo
‘You went to Europe and returned different’: Transformative learning experiences of international students in Portugal
CI Nada, C Montgomery, HC Araújo
European Educational Research Journal 17 (5), 696-713, 2018
‘When you welcome students without borders, you need a mentality without borders’ internationalisation of higher education: Evidence from Portugal
CI Nada, HC Araújo
Studies in Higher Education 44 (9), 1591-1604, 2019
As mulheres professoras e o ensino estatal
HC Araújo
Cidadania na sua polifonia: Debates nos estudos de educação feministas
HC Araújo
Precocidade e retórica na construção da escola de massas em Portugal
HC Araújo
Guanidinoacetate methyltransferase deficiency identified in adults and a child with mental retardation
HC Araújo, W Smit, NM Verhoeven, GS Salomons, S Silva, ...
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 133 (2), 122-127, 2005
Can mainstream and alternative education learn from each other? An analysis of measures against school dropout and early school leaving in Portugal
CI Nada, SA Santos, E Macedo, HC Araújo
Educational Review 72 (3), 365-385, 2020
Changing femininity, changing concepts of citizenship in public and private spheres
M Arnot, H Araújo, K Deliyanni, G Ivinson
European journal of women's studies 7 (2), 149-168, 2000
Migration and education: a narrative approach to the experience of foreign students in Portugal.
CI Nada, HC AraĆŗjo
London Review of Education 16 (2), 308-324, 2018
Teachers, gender and the discourses of citizenship
M Arnot, H Araújo, K Deliyanni‐Kouimtzi, G Rowe, A Tomé
International Studies in Sociology of Education 6 (1), 3-35, 1996
Profissionalismo e ensino
HC Araújo
Early school leaving in Portugal: Policies and actors' interpretations
AM Magalhães, HC Araújo, E Macedo, C Rocha
Educação, Sociedade & Culturas, 97-119, 2015
Policies on early school leaving in nine European countries: A comparative analysis
L Ryan, M Lorinc, A D’Angelo, N Kaye, H Araujo, A Magalhaes, C Rocha, ...
Budapest, Hungary: Centre for Policy Studies, 2014
Young Portuguese construction of educational citizenship: Commitments and conflicts in semi-disadvantaged secondary schools
E Macedo, HC Araújo
Journal of Youth Studies 17 (3), 343-359, 2014
Educação e democracia num país semiperiférico (no contexto europeu)
SR Stoer, HC Araújo
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