Rodrigo C. Lira
Rodrigo C. Lira
Other namesRodrigo Cesar Lira da Silva, Rodrigo Cesar Lira, Lira, R. C.
Professor @ Federal Institute of Pernambuco
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Cited by
Overview on binary optimization using swarm-inspired algorithms
M Macedo, H Siqueira, E Figueiredo, C Santana, RC Lira, A Gokhale, ...
IEEE Access 9, 149814-149858, 2021
An adaptive-alternative routing algorithm for all-optical networks
AVS Xavier, RCL Silva, CJA Bastos-Filho, JF Martins-Filho, DAR Chaves
2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference …, 2011
A novel restoration algorithm based on optical signal to noise ratio for transparent optical networks
RC Freitas, RCL Silva, HA Pereira, DAR Chaves, CJA Bastos-Filho, ...
Telecommunications Brazilian Symposium (SBrT 2011), 1-5, 2011
The nrpsr-elastic routing algorithm for flexible grid optical networks
AVS Xavier, RCL Silva, DAR Chaves, CJA Bastos-Filho, RC Almeida, ...
2013 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave & Optoelectronics Conference …, 2013
An adaptive path restoration algorithm based on power series routing for all-optical networks
CJA Bastos-Filho, RC Freitas, DAR Chaves, RCL Silva, MLP Freire, ...
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2013
Comparing OSNR based policies for an adaptive-alternative IA-RWA algorithm applied to all-optical networks
CJA Bastos-Filho, RCL Silva, DAR Chaves, AVS Xavier, JF Martins-Filho
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 12 …, 2013
Osnr-based restoration algorithm for optical network resilience to node failures
RC Freitas, ES Leitão, RCL Silva, DAR Chaves, H Pereira, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 10 (4), 1893-1900, 2012
On the Performance Analysis of Different Link to Path Restoration Schemes for All-Optical Networks
RC de Freitas, NF Aragao, LB Costa, RCL Silva, DAR Chaves, HA Pereira, ...
XXX SimpósioBrasileiro De Telecomunicações-SBrT 12, 13-16, 0
A novel double-link failure restoration algorithm based on optical signal-to-noise ratio for all-optical networks
RC de Freitas, JF Martins-Filho, RCL Silva, CJA Bastos-Filho, HA Pereira, ...
2011 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference …, 2011
Understanding political divisiveness using online participation data from the 2022 French and Brazilian presidential elections
C Navarrete, M Macedo, R Colley, J Zhang, N Ferrada, ME Mello, R Lira, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 8 (1), 137-148, 2024
Desenvolvimento de um jogo utilizando robótica para o estímulo do pensamento computacional
RCL Silva, MLU Cavalcanti, LRNL de Oliveira
Congresso sobre Tecnologias na Educação (Ctrl+ e), 524-529, 2019
Optical signal-to-noise ratio restoration algorithm applied to optical network resilience to node failures
RC de Freitas, JF Martins-Filho, DAR Chaves, RCL Silva, ...
2011 IEEE Third Latin-American Conference on Communications, 1-6, 2011
Fishing for interactions: A network science approach to modeling fish school search
M Macedo, L Taw, N Gurrapadi, RC Lira, D Pinheiro, M Oliveira, ...
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 40-48, 2021
An adaptive–alternative restoration algorithm for optical networks
RCL Silva, JF Martins-Filho, CJA Bastos-Filho
Photonic Network Communications 35, 35-52, 2018
Modelling the social interactions in grey wolf optimizer
RC Lira, M Macedo, HV Siqueira, R Menezes, C Bastos-Filho
2021 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2021
Integrating reinforcement learning and optimization task: Evaluating an agent to dynamically select PSO communication topology
RC Lira, M Macedo, HV Siqueira, C Bastos-Filho
International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, 38-48, 2023
Boolean Binary Grey Wolf Optimizer
RC Lira, M Macedo, HV Siqueira, C Bastos-Filho
2022 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-6, 2022
Osnr based adaptive-alternative ia-rwa algorithm for all-optical networks
RCL Silva, CJA Bastos-Filho, DAR Chaves, AVS Xavier, JF Martins-Filho
Proceedings of the MOMAG 12, 1-1, 2012
Impact of unusual features in credit scoring problem
LF Vercosa, R Lira, R Monteiro, K Silva, J Magalhaes, A Maciel, ...
Anais do VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning, 81-88, 2020
Um Algoritmo Adaptativo-Alternativo para Restauraçao em RedesOpticas
RCL Silva, FAMH Silva, CJA Bastos-Filho, DAR Chaves, AVS Xavier, ...
MOMAG, 2014
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Articles 1–20