Steve Chien
Steve Chien
JPL Fellow, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Calif. Inst. Tech.
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Using Iterative Repair to Improve the Responsiveness of Planning and Scheduling.
SA Chien, R Knight, A Stechert, R Sherwood, GR Rabideau
AIPS, 300-307, 2000
Using autonomy flight software to improve science return on Earth Observing One
S Chien, R Sherwood, D Tran, B Cichy, G Rabideau, R Castano, A Davis, ...
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 2 (4), 196-216, 2005
Review on space robotics: Toward top-level science through space exploration
Y Gao, S Chien
Science Robotics 2 (7), eaan5074, 2017
Iterative repair planning for spacecraft operations using the aspen system
G Rabideau, R Knight, S Chien, A Fukunaga, A Govindjee
Intl Symp Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space 1999 440, 1999
ASPEN-Automating space mission operations using automated planning and scheduling
S Chien, G Rabideau, R Knight, R Sherwood, B Engelhardt, D Mutz, ...
Space Operations 2000, 2000
An autonomous spacecraft agent prototype
B Pell, DE Bernard, SA Chien, E Gat, N Muscettola, PP Nayak, ...
Proceedings of the first international conference on autonomous agents, 253-261, 1997
An Autonomous Earth Observing Sensorweb
S Chien, B Cichy, A Davies, D Tran, G Rabideau, R Castano, R Sherwood, ...
IEEE Intelligent Systems 1, 8 pp., 2006
Space‐based measurement of river runoff
GR Brakenridge, SV Nghiem, E Anderson, S Chien
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 86 (19), 185-188, 2005
Casper: Space exploration through continuous planning
R Knight, G Rabideau, S Chien, B Engelhardt, R Sherwood
Intelligent Systems, IEEE 16 (5), 70-75, 2001
Aspen-automated planning and scheduling for space mission operations
S Chien, G Rabideau, R Knight, R Sherwood, B Engelhardt, D Mutz, ...
Space Ops 2000, 2000
Towards an application framework for automated planning and scheduling
A Fukunaga, G Rabideau, S Chien, D Yan
1997 IEEE Aerospace Conference 1, 375-386, 1997
A generalized timeline representation, services, and interface for automating space mission operations
S Chien, M Johnston, J Frank, M Giuliano, A Kavelaars, C Lenzen, ...
SpaceOps, 1275459, 2012
The EO-1 autonomous science agent
S Chien, R Sherwood, D Tran, B Cichy, G Rabideau, R Castano, A Davies, ...
Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents …, 2004
Flood detection and monitoring with the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment onboard EO-1
F Ip, JM Dohm, VR Baker, T Doggett, AG Davies, R Castano, S Chien, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 101 (4), 463-481, 2006
Onboard autonomy on the intelligent payload experiment cubesat mission
S Chien, J Doubleday, DR Thompson, KL Wagstaff, J Bellardo, C Francis, ...
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 14 (6), 307-315, 2017
Monitoring active volcanism with the Autonomous Sciencecraft Experiment on EO-1
AG Davies, S Chien, V Baker, T Doggett, J Dohm, R Greeley, F Ip, B Cichy, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 101 (4), 427-446, 2006
Timeline-based space operations scheduling with external constraints
S Chien, D Tran, G Rabideau, S Schaffer, D Mandl, S Frye
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and …, 2010
Integrated planning and execution for autonomous spacecraft
S Chien, R Knight, A Stechert, R Sherwood, G Rabideau
1999 IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No. 99TH8403) 1, 263-271, 1999
Automatic detection of dust devils and clouds on Mars
A Castano, A Fukunaga, J Biesiadecki, L Neakrase, P Whelley, R Greeley, ...
Machine Vision and Applications 19, 467-482, 2008
Adaptive problem-solving for large-scale scheduling problems: A case study
J Gratch, S Chien
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 4 (1996), 365–396, 1996
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Artigos 1–20