Luís Cruz
Cited by
Cited by
Affect and the adoption of pro-environmental behaviour: A structural model
F Coelho, MC Pereira, L Cruz, P Simões, E Barata
Journal of Environmental Psychology 54, 127-138, 2017
Economic growth and environmental impacts: An analysis based on a composite index of environmental damage
TA das Neves Almeida, L Cruz, E Barata, IM García-Sánchez
Ecological Indicators 76, 119-130, 2017
Parking at the UC campus: Problems and solutions
E Barata, L Cruz, JP Ferreira
Cities 28 (5), 406-413, 2011
Testing the transport energy-environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in the EU27 countries
MP Pablo-Romero, L Cruz, E Barata
Energy Economics 62, 257-269, 2017
Water affordability issues in developed countries–The relevance of micro approaches
R Martins, C Quintal, L Cruz, E Barata
Utilities Policy 43, 117-123, 2016
Assessing social concerns in water tariffs
R Martins, L Cruz, E Barata, C Quintal
Water Policy 15 (2), 193-211, 2013
Energy and CO2 intensity changes in the EU-27: Decomposition into explanatory effects
L Cruz, J Dias
Sustainable Cities and Society 26, 486-495, 2016
Energy-environment-economy interactions: An input-output approach applied to the Portuguese case
LMG Cruz
paper for the 7th Biennial conference of the international society for …, 2002
Joint estimation using revealed and stated preference data: An application using a national forest
P Simões, E Barata, L Cruz
Journal of Forest Economics 19 (3), 249-266, 2013
Performance in urban public transport systems: a critical analysis of the Portuguese case
L Cruz, E Barata, JP Ferreira
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 61 (7), 730-751, 2012
Greening transportation and parking at University of Coimbra
L Cruz, E Barata, JP Ferreira, F Freire
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 18 (1), 23-38, 2017
The impact of COVID‐19 on global value chains: Disruption in nonessential goods production
JP Ferreira, P Ramos, E Barata, C Court, L Cruz
Regional science policy & practice 13, 32-54, 2021
Water price regulation: a review of Portuguese tariff recommendations
R Martins, L Cruz, E Barata
Public Organization Review 13, 197-205, 2013
Application of IO Energy Analysis for CO2 Emissions by the Portuguese Economy: The Case of Portugal
LMG Cruz
Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology, 507-532, 2009
Economic, social, energy and environmental assessment of inter-municipality commuting: The case of Portugal
JP Ferreira, E Barata, PN Ramos, L Cruz
Energy Policy 66, 411-418, 2014
Input-output models
L Cruz, J Proops, P Safonov
Modelling in ecological economics, 36-57, 2004
Using count data and ordered models in national forest recreation demand analysis
P Simões, E Barata, L Cruz
Environmental management 52, 1249-1261, 2013
A preliminary assessment of energy performance in refurbished schools
M Gameiro da Silva, CH Antunes, H Bernardo, H Jorge, L Cruz, E Barata, ...
Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Energy & Environment (ICEE …, 2013
Mind (for) the water: an indirect relationship between mindfulness and water conservation behavior
MC Pereira, P Simões, L Cruz, E Barata, F Coelho
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21 (4), 673-684, 2022
The opportunity costs of commuting: the value of a commuting satellite account framework with an example from Lisbon Metropolitan Area
JP Ferreira, P Ramos, L Cruz, E Barata
Economic Systems Research 30 (1), 105-119, 2018
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Articles 1–20