Manure management: Implications for greenhouse gas emissions D Chadwick, S Sommer, R Thorman, D Fangueiro, L Cardenas, B Amon, ... Animal feed science and technology 166, 514-531, 2011 | 802 | 2011 |
Acidification of animal slurry–a review D Fangueiro, M Hjorth, F Gioelli Journal of environmental management 149, 46-56, 2015 | 402 | 2015 |
Heavy metal mobility assessment in sediments based on a kinetic approach of the EDTA extraction: search for optimal experimental conditions D Fangueiro, A Bermond, E Santos, H Carapuça, A Duarte Analytica Chimica Acta 459 (2), 245-256, 2002 | 152 | 2002 |
Dairy science and health in the tropics: challenges and opportunities for the next decades LE Hernández-Castellano, JE Nally, J Lindahl, M Wanapat, IA Alhidary, ... Tropical Animal Health and Production 51, 1009-1017, 2019 | 147 | 2019 |
Kinetic approach to heavy metal mobilization assessment in sediments: choose of kinetic equations and models to achieve maximum information D Fangueiro, A Bermond, E Santos, H Carapuça, A Duarte Talanta 66 (4), 844-857, 2005 | 139 | 2005 |
Alternatives to sulfuric acid for slurry acidification: impact on slurry composition and ammonia emissions during storage I Regueiro, J Coutinho, D Fangueiro Journal of Cleaner Production 131, 296-307, 2016 | 115 | 2016 |
NPK farm-gate nutrient balances in dairy farms from Northwest Portugal D Fangueiro, J Pereira, J Coutinho, N Moreira, H Trindade European Journal of Agronomy 28 (4), 625-634, 2008 | 105 | 2008 |
Stakeholder perceptions of manure treatment technologies in Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain Y Hou, GL Velthof, SDC Case, M Oelofse, C Grignani, P Balsari, ... Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 1620-1630, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Cattle slurry treatment by screw press separation and chemically enhanced settling: effect on greenhouse gas emissions after land spreading and grass yield D Fangueiro, M Senbayran, H Trindade, D Chadwick Bioresource technology 99 (15), 7132-7142, 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
Nitrogen mineralization and CO2 and N2O emissions in a sandy soil amended with original or acidified pig slurries or with the relative fractions D Fangueiro, H Ribeiro, J Coutinho, L Cardenas, H Trindade, ... Biology and fertility of soils 46, 383-391, 2010 | 93 | 2010 |
Effect of cattle slurry pre-treatment by separation and addition of nitrification inhibitors on gaseous emissions and N dynamics: a laboratory study J Pereira, D Fangueiro, DR Chadwick, TH Misselbrook, J Coutinho, ... Chemosphere 79 (6), 620-627, 2010 | 84 | 2010 |
Treatment by acidification followed by solid–liquid separation affects slurry and slurry fractions composition and their potential of N mineralization D Fangueiro, H Ribeiro, E Vasconcelos, J Coutinho, F Cabral Bioresource technology 100 (20), 4914-4917, 2009 | 83 | 2009 |
Effect of cattle slurry separation on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions during storage D Fangueiro, J Coutinho, D Chadwick, N Moreira, H Trindade Journal of environmental quality 37 (6), 2322-2331, 2008 | 83 | 2008 |
Quantification of priming and CO2 emission sources following the application of different slurry particle size fractions to a grassland soil D Fangueiro, D Chadwick, L Dixon, R Bol Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39 (10), 2608-2620, 2007 | 80 | 2007 |
Effect of tillage and water management on GHG emissions from Mediterranean rice growing ecosystems D Fangueiro, D Becerra, Á Albarrán, D Peña, J Sanchez-Llerena, ... Atmospheric Environment 150, 303-312, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Impact of cattle slurry acidification on carbon and nitrogen dynamics during storage and after soil incorporation D Fangueiro, S Surgy, J Coutinho, E Vasconcelos Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176 (4), 540-550, 2013 | 75 | 2013 |
Influence of two nitrification inhibitors (DCD and DMPP) on annual ryegrass yield and soil mineral N dynamics after incorporation with cattle slurry D Fangueiro, A Fernandes, J Coutinho, N Moreira, H Trindade Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 40 (21-22), 3387-3398, 2009 | 75 | 2009 |
Surface application of acidified cattle slurry compared to slurry injection: Impact on NH3, N2O, CO2 and CH4 emissions and crop uptake D Fangueiro, JLS Pereira, S Macedo, H Trindade, E Vasconcelos, ... Geoderma 306, 160-166, 2017 | 73 | 2017 |
Carbon‐mineralization kinetics in an organically managed Cambic Arenosol amended with organic fertilizers HM Ribeiro, D Fangueiro, F Alves, E Vasconcelos, J Coutinho, R Bol, ... Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 173 (1), 39-45, 2010 | 73 | 2010 |
Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slatted and solid floors in dairy cattle houses: A scale model study J Pereira, D Fangueiro, TH Misselbrook, DR Chadwick, J Coutinho, ... biosystems engineering 109 (2), 148-157, 2011 | 66 | 2011 |