Luthando Dziba
Luthando Dziba
Wildlife Conservation Society
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Summary for policymakers of the global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem …
R Watson, I Baste, A Larigauderie, P Leadley, U Pascual, B Baptiste, ...
IPBES Secretariat: Bonn, Germany, 22-47, 2019
Linking herbivore experience, varied diets, and plant biochemical diversity
FD Provenza, JJ Villalba, LE Dziba, SB Atwood, RE Banner
Small ruminant research 49 (3), 257-274, 2003
Foraging ecology of goats and sheep on wooded rangelands
TG Papachristou, LE Dziba, FD Provenza
Small Ruminant Research 59 (2-3), 141-156, 2005
Sustainability of protected areas: Vulnerabilities and opportunities as revealed by COVID-19 in a national park management agency
MKS Smith, IPJ Smit, LK Swemmer, MM Mokhatla, S Freitag, DJ Roux, ...
Biological Conservation 255, 108985, 2021
Effects of season and breed on browse species intake rates and diet selection by goats in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
LE Dziba, PF Scogings, IJ Gordon, JG Raats
Small Ruminant Research 47 (1), 17-30, 2003
Is dietary choice important to animal welfare?
X Manteca, JJ Villalba, SB Atwood, L Dziba, FD Provenza
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 3 (5), 229-239, 2008
Mapping out a future for ungulate migrations
MJ Kauffman, F Cagnacci, S Chamaillé-Jammes, ...
Science 372 (6542), 566-569, 2021
Leaf chemistry of woody plants in relation to season, canopy retention and goat browsing in a semiarid subtropical savanna
PF Scogings, LE Dziba, IJ Gordon
Austral Ecology 29 (3), 278-286, 2004
Feeding behavior of lambs in relation to kinetics of 1, 8-cineole dosed intravenously or into the rumen
LE Dziba, JO Hall, FD Provenza
Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 391-408, 2006
Dietary monoterpene concentrations influence feeding patterns of lambs
LE Dziba, FD Provenza
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 109 (1), 49-57, 2008
Supplemental energy and protein increase use of sagebrush by sheep
LE Dziba, FD Provenza, JJ Villalba, SB Atwood
Small Ruminant Research 69 (1-3), 203-207, 2007
Diet selection of Nguni goats in relation to season, chemistry and physical properties of browse in sub-humid subtropical savanna
NAD Basha, PF Scogings, LE Dziba, IV Nsahlai
Small Ruminant Research 102 (2-3), 163-171, 2012
Alien tree invasion into a South African montane grassland ecosystem: impact of Acacia species on rangeland condition and livestock carrying capacity
TS Yapi, PJ O’Farrell, LE Dziba, KJ Esler
International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services …, 2018
The effects of seed ingestion by livestock, dung fertilization, trampling, grass competition and fire on seedling establishment of two woody plant species
J Tjelele, D Ward, L Dziba
PLoS One 10 (2), e0117788, 2015
Patterns of diet mixing by sheep offered foods varying in nutrients and plant secondary compounds
TG Papachristou, LE Dziba, JJ Villalba, FD Provenza
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 108 (1-2), 68-80, 2007
Response of land surface phenology to variation in tree cover during green-up and senescence periods in the semi-arid savanna of Southern Africa
MA Cho, A Ramoelo, L Dziba
Remote Sensing 9 (7), 689, 2017
The regional assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services for Africa: summary for policymakers
E Archer, L Dziba, KJ Mulongoy, MA Maoela, M Walters, RO Biggs, ...
IPBES, 2018
The feeding height preferences of two goat breeds fed Grewia occidentalis L.(Tiliaceae) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
LE Dziba, PF Scogings, IJ Gordon, JG Raats
Small Ruminant Research 47 (1), 31-38, 2003
Nutrient and secondary metabolite concentrations in a savanna are independently affected by large herbivores and shoot growth rate
PF Scogings, J Hjältén, C Skarpe, D Hattas, A Zobolo, L Dziba, T Rooke
Plant Ecology 215, 73-82, 2014
Seasonal variations in nutrients and secondary metabolites in semi-arid savannas depend on year and species
PF Scogings, D Hattas, C Skarpe, J Hjältén, L Dziba, A Zobolo, T Rooke
Journal of Arid Environments 114, 54-61, 2015
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