Till Weber
Till Weber
City University of New York (Baruch College & The Graduate Center)
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Issue Yield: A Model of Party Strategy in Multidimensional Space
L De Sio, T Weber
American Political Science Review 108 (4), 870-885, 2014
Campaign Effects and Second-Order Cycles: A Top-Down Approach to European Parliament Elections
T Weber
European Union Politics 8 (4), 509-536, 2007
Exit, Voice, and Cyclicality: A Micrologic of Midterm Effects in European Parliament Elections
T Weber
American Journal of Political Science 55 (4), 907-922, 2011
A bottleneck model of e-voting: Why technology fails to boost turnout
K Vassil, T Weber
new media & society 13 (8), 1336-1354, 2011
Party systems and government stability in Central and Eastern Europe
F Grotz, T Weber
World Politics 64 (4), 699-740, 2012
The risks and opportunities of Europe: How issue yield explains (non-)reactions to the financial crisis
L De Sio, MN Franklin, T Weber
Electoral Studies 44, 483-491, 2016
Issue yield, campaign communication, and electoral performance: a six-country comparative analysis
L De Sio, T Weber
West European Politics 43 (3), 720-745, 2020
Cross-cutting issues and party strategy in the European Union
C Parsons, T Weber
Comparative Political Studies 44 (4), 383-411, 2011
Restrained Change: Party Systems in Times of Economic Crisis
F Casal Bértoa, T Weber
Journal of Politics 81 (1), 233-245, 2019
New parties, information uncertainty, and government formation: evidence from Central and Eastern Europe
F Grotz, T Weber
European Political Science Review 8 (3), 449-472, 2016
Does ostracism affect party support? Comparative lessons and experimental evidence
J van Spanje, T Weber
Party Politics 25 (6), 745-758, 2019
A Behavioral Theory of Electoral Structure
T Weber, MN Franklin
Political Behavior 40 (4), 831-856, 2018
When the cat is away the mice will play: Why elections to the European Parliament are about Europe after all
T Weber
Politique européenne 28, 53-71, 2009
Discreet Inequality: How Party Agendas Embrace Privileged Interests
T Weber
Comparative Political Studies 53 (10-11), 1767-1797, 2020
Party Government and Administrative Reform: Evidence From the German Länder
A Götz, F Grotz, T Weber
Administration & Society 50 (6), 778-811, 2018
Prime Ministerial Tenure in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of Party Leadership and Cabinet Experience
F Grotz, T Weber
Parties, Governments and Elites, 229-248, 2017
Synergy in Spatial Models of Voting: How Critical Cases Show that Proximity, Direction and Discounting are Friends, not Foes
T Weber
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 25 (4), 504-529, 2015
Information Behavior and Political Preferences
K Vössing, T Weber
British Journal of Political Science 49 (2), 533-556, 2019
Regierungskoalitionen: Bildung und Dauerhaftigkeit
F Grotz, T Weber
Regierungssysteme in Mittel- und Osteuropa, 194-216, 2011
American Electoral Practices in Comparative Perspective
MN Franklin, T Weber
The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior, 667-684, 2010
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Articles 1–20