Claudia Niederée
Claudia Niederée
Research Group Leader, L3S Research Center, Leibniz University, Hannover
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A multi-dimensional, unified user model for cross-system personalization
C Niederée, A Stewart, B Mehta, M Hemmje
Proceedings of the AVI 2004 Workshop on Environments for Personalized …, 2004
A blocking framework for entity resolution in highly heterogeneous information spaces
G Papadakis, E Ioannou, T Palpanas, C Niederée, W Nejdl
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 25 (12), 2665-2682, 2012
Efficient entity resolution for large heterogeneous information spaces
G Papadakis, E Ioannou, C Niederée, P Fankhauser
Proceedings of the fourth ACM international conference on Web search and …, 2011
On-the-fly entity-aware query processing in the presence of linkage
E Ioannou, W Nejdl, C Niederée, Y Velegrakis
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 3 (1-2), 429-438, 2010
Entity name system: The back-bone of an open and scalable web of data
P Bouquet, H Stoermer, C Niederee, A Maa
Semantic Computing, 2008 IEEE International Conference on, 554-561, 2008
Ontologically-enriched unified user modeling for cross-system personalization
B Mehta, C Niederee, A Stewart, M Degemmis, P Lops, G Semeraro
User Modeling 2005, 119-123, 2005
Beyond 100 million entities: large-scale blocking-based resolution for heterogeneous data
G Papadakis, E Ioannou, C Niederée, T Palpanas, W Nejdl
Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2012
Eliminating the redundancy in blocking-based entity resolution methods
G Papadakis, E Ioannou, C Niederée, T Palpanas, W Nejdl
Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on …, 2011
On early-stage debunking rumors on twitter: Leveraging the wisdom of weak learners
TN Nguyen, C Li, C Niederée
International Conference on Social Informatics, 141-158, 2017
What Triggers Human Remembering of Events? A Large-Scale Analysis of Catalysts for Collective Memory in Wikipedia
N Kanhabua, TN Nguyen, C Niederée
DL'14: Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries, 2014
Probabilistic entity linkage for heterogeneous information spaces
E Ioannou, C Niederée, W Nejdl
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 556-570, 2008
Personalization in digital libraries–An extended view
E Neuhold, C Niederée, A Stewart
ICADL 2003, LNCS 2911, 1-16, 2003
Linguistic and architectural requirements for personalized digital libraries
JW Schmidt, G Schröder, C Niederée, F Matthes
International Journal on Digital Libraries 1 (1), 89-104, 1997
Back to the past: Supporting interpretations of forgotten stories by time-aware re-contextualization
NK Tran, A Ceroni, N Kanhabua, C Niederée
Proceedings of the Eighth ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2015
Balancing Novelty and Salience: Adaptive Learning to Rank Entities for Timeline Summarization of High-impact Events
TA Tran, C Niederee, N Kanhabua, U Gadiraju, A Anand
Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and …, 2015
Forgetful Digital Memory: Towards Brain-Inspired Long-Term Data and Information Management
C Niederee, N Kanhabua, F Gallo, RH Logie
ACM SIGMOD Record 44 (2), 41-46, 2015
To Keep or not to Keep: An Expectation–oriented Photo Selection Method for Personal Photo Collections
A Ceroni, V Solachidis, C Niederée, O Papadopoulou, N Kanhabua, ...
Digital libraries in knowledge management: an e-learning case study
M Fuchs, C Muscogiuri, C Niederée, M Hemmje
International Journal on Digital Libraries 4 (1), 31-35, 2004
State of the Art in User Modelling for Personalization in Content, Service and Interaction
A Stewart, C Niederée, B Mehta
NSF/DELOS Report on Personalization, 1-6, 2004
Towards concise preservation by managed forgetting: Research issues and case study
N Kanhabua, C Niederée, W Siberski
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Preservation of Digital …, 2013
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Artigos 1–20