Jacob S. Hacker
Jacob S. Hacker
Stanley Resor Professor of Political Science, Yale University
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Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class
JS Hacker
Simon and Schuster, 2010
Privatizing risk without privatizing the welfare state: The hidden politics of social policy retrenchment in the United States
JS Hacker
American Political Science Review 98 (2), 243-260, 2004
The divided welfare state: the battle over public and private social benefits in the United States
JS Hacker
Cambridge University Press, 2002
The great risk shift: The assault on American jobs, families, health care, and retirement and how you can fight back
JS Hacker
(No Title), 2006
The great risk shift: The new economic insecurity and the decline of the American dream
JS Hacker
oxford University press, 2019
Winner-take-all politics: Public policy, political organization, and the precipitous rise of top incomes in the United States
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Politics & Society 38 (2), 152-204, 2010
Off center: The Republican revolution and the erosion of American democracy
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Yale University Press, 2005
Business power and social policy: Employers and the formation of the American welfare state
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Politics & Society 30 (2), 277-325, 2002
US welfare state retrenchment
JS Hacker
Beyond continuity: Institutional change in advanced political economies, 40, 2005
The historical logic of national health insurance: Structure and sequence in the development of British, Canadian, and US medical policy
JS Hacker
Studies in American Political Development 12 (1), 57-130, 1998
Insecure alliances: Risk, inequality, and support for the welfare state
P Rehm, JS Hacker, M Schlesinger
American political science review 106 (2), 386-406, 2012
Drift and conversion: Hidden faces of institutional change
JS Hacker, P Pierson, K Thelen
Advances in comparative-historical analysis, 180-208, 2015
The road to nowhere: The genesis of President Clinton's plan for health security
JS Hacker
Princeton University Press, 1999
After the “master theory”: Downs, Schattschneider, and the rebirth of policy-focused analysis
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Perspectives on Politics 12 (3), 643-662, 2014
American amnesia: How the war on government led us to forget what made America prosper
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Simon and Schuster, 2017
The economic security index: A new measure for research and policy analysis
JS Hacker, GA Huber, A Nichols, P Rehm, M Schlesinger, R Valletta, ...
Review of Income and Wealth 60, S5-S32, 2014
Dismantling the health care state? Political institutions, public policies and the comparative politics of health reform
JS Hacker
British Journal of Political Science 34 (4), 693-724, 2004
The insecure American: Economic experiences, financial worries, and policy attitudes
JS Hacker, P Rehm, M Schlesinger
Perspectives on Politics 11 (1), 23-49, 2013
Let them eat tweets: How the right rules in an age of extreme inequality
JS Hacker, P Pierson
Liveright Publishing, 2020
The institutional foundations of middle-class democracy
J Hacker
Policy Network 6 (5), 33-37, 2011
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