Tess Wise
Cited by
Cited by
Criminal justice or public health: A comparison of the representation of the crack cocaine and opioid epidemics in the media
C Shachar, T Wise, G Katznelson, AL Campbell
Journal of health politics, policy and law 45 (2), 211-239, 2020
Gender, diversity, and methods in political science: A theory of selection and survival biases
SL Shames, T Wise
PS: Political Science & Politics 50 (3), 811-823, 2017
Personal bankruptcy and race: When the public-private welfare state is predatory
T Wise
Available at SSRN 3630278, 2020
Maps in our heads: Socio-political attitudes and demographic awareness
RD Enos, T Wise
Unpublished paper, 2012
The Dog-Whistle Politics of Personal Responsibility, Credit, and the American Welfare State
A Wiedemann, T Wise
Credit, and the American Welfare State (July 17, 2020), 2020
A critical race theory analysis of bankruptcy’s political development
T Wise
Journal of Family and Economic Issues 45 (2), 276-287, 2024
Do naturalizations cause right-wing backlash? Mixed evidence from Switzerland
TE Wise
How shall we open the black box? Alternative approaches to the study of causal mechanisms in the social sciences
T Wise
Political Methodology Conference Proceedings, 2014
Playing with Race: How Racial Diversity Affects Redistributive Behavior in Simulated Public Goods Games
J de Benedictis-Kessner, D de Kadt, T Wise
MIT Political Science Department Research Paper, 2013
Tweeting the party line? Using Tweets to study projected partisanship in the US Senate
T Wise
Unpublished Working Paper, Feb, 2013
The Life-Cycle of Delegated Welfare
A Wiedemann, T Wise
Available at SSRN 4548954, 2023
Supplementary Appendix for “Realistic Image Primes for Experimental Research”
J de Benedictis-Kessner, T Wise
Economic Insecurity and American Political Culture: A Study of Middle-Class Americans Going Through Personal Bankruptcy
TE Wise
Harvard University, 2019
How Direct Democracy Affects Local Naturalization Rates: Evidence from Switzerland
T Wise
COVID-19 and National Public Health Regimes
T Wise, G Katznelson, C Shachar, AL Campbell
Lancet 1944 (2013), 1898
Theorizing Political Culture in the Context of Economic Insecurity
T Wise
Household Debt and the Politics of Personal Responsibility
T Wise
The Limits of Causal Inference
T Wise
How shall we open the ‘black box?’Approaches to the study of mechanisms in the social sciences
T Wise
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Articles 1–19